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Created May 17, 2012 21:03
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Save kevinchampion/2721584 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Figure out Drupal 7 mail formatting
* @param $form
* @param $form_state
function lsadataclassify_keyad_route_submit($form, &$form_state) {
global $base_url;
// For each pm checked
for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['values']['num_compliance']; $i++){
if ($form_state['values']['row-' . $i]['route'] == 1){
// Add admin_route to compliance
$node = node_load($form_state['values']['row-' . $i]['nid']);
$node->field_compliance_admin_route[$node->language][] = array('value' => $form_state['values']['routee']);
if ($node = node_submit($node)) { // Prepare node for saving
$routed_nodes[] = $node;
// Send email collating all checked pms
// Get admin active setting boolean
if (variable_get('route_email', 1)){
$message = decode_entities(t('@message', array('@message' => variable_get('route_message', 'A researcher/scholar needs your help complying with one or more protection measures in the researcher/scholar\'s new submission.'))));
$research_data_node = node_load($routed_nodes[0]->field_compliance_data[$routed_nodes[0]->language][0]['nid']);
$submitter = user_load($research_data_node->uid);
if (empty($research_data_node->field_research_affiliation_ref[$research_data_node->language][0]['tid'])) {
$affiliation = $research_data_node->field_research_affiliation_other[$research_data_node->language][0]['value'];
else {
$affiliation = taxonomy_term_load($research_data_node->field_research_affiliation_ref[$research_data_node->language][0]['tid']);
$affiliation = $affiliation->name;
$data_types = '';
$dts = $research_data_node->field_research_data_type_ref[$research_data_node->language];
$dts_size = count($dts);
for ($i = 0; $i < $dts_size; $i++){
$dt_node = node_load($dts[$i]['nid']);
$data_types .= $dt_node->title;
// Format array to sentence structure
if ($dts_size == 2 && ($dts_size - 1) > $i) {
$data_types .= ' and ';
elseif ($dts_size > 2 && ($dts_size - 2) > $i) {
$data_types .= ', ';
elseif ($dts_size > 2 && ($dts_size - 1) > $i) {
$data_types .= ', and ';
else {
// $data_types .= '.';
$replacements = array(
'@field_of_research' => '<b>' . $research_data_node->title . '</b>',
'@submitter' => '<b>' . $submitter->name . '</b>',
'@sensitivity' => '<b>' . $research_data_node->field_research_sensitivity[$research_data_node->language][0]['value'] . '</b>',
'@principal_investigator' => '<b>' . $research_data_node->field_research_pi[$research_data_node->language][0]['value'] . '</b>',
'@affiliation' => '<b>' . $affiliation . '</b>',
'@key_admin' => '<b>' . $research_data_node->field_research_key_admin[$research_data_node->language][0]['value'] . '</b>',
'@research_focus' => $research_data_node->body[$research_data_node->language][0]['value'],
'@data_types' => '<b>' . $data_types . '</b>',
$message = format_string($message, $replacements);
// $message .= '<br /><br />';
$message .= "\n\n" . '<p>' . t('@pi needs help complying with the following protection measures:', array('@pi' => $research_data_node->field_research_pi[$research_data_node->language][0]['value'])) . "\n\n";
foreach ($routed_nodes as $routed_node) {
$pm_node = node_load($routed_node->field_compliance_pm[$routed_node->language][0]['nid']);
$message .= '- ' . $pm_node->title . "\n";
$message .= '</p>' . "\n\n";
$message .= '<p>' . t('Once compliant with all these protection measures, please return to this Research and Scholarship Data profile to confirm it is complete:') . '</p>';
$path_to_confirmation = 'admin/data/' . $research_data_node->nid . '/route/' . check_url($form_state['values']['routee']) . '/confirm';
$message .= '<p>' . l($base_url . $path_to_confirmation, $path_to_confirmation) . '</p>';
watchdog('lsadataclassify', 'message before: !notification', array('!notification' => $message), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
$message = drupal_html_to_text($message);
watchdog('lsadataclassify', 'message after: !notification', array('!notification' => $message), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
lsadataclassify_mail_send(array('email' => $form_state['values']['routee'] . '', 'message' => $message));
function lsadataclassify_mail_send($form_values) {
// All system mails need to specify the module and template key (mirrored from
// hook_mail()) that the message they want to send comes from.
$module = 'lsadataclassify';
$key = 'contact_message';
// Specify 'to' and 'from' addresses.
$to = $form_values['email'];
$from = variable_get('site_mail', '');
// "params" loads in additional context for email content completion in
// hook_mail(). In this case, we want to pass in the values the user entered
// into the form, which include the message body in $form_values['message'].
$params = $form_values;
// The language of the e-mail. This will one of three values:
// * user_preferred_language(): Used for sending mail to a particular website
// user, so that the mail appears in their preferred language.
// * global $language: Used when sending a mail back to the user currently
// viewing the site. This will send it in the language they're currently
// using.
// * language_default(): Used when sending mail to a pre-existing, 'neutral'
// address, such as the system e-mail address, or when you're unsure of the
// language preferences of the intended recipient.
// Since in our case, we are sending a message to a random e-mail address that
// is not necessarily tied to a user account, we will use the site's default
// language.
$language = language_default();
// Whether or not to automatically send the mail when drupal_mail() is
// called. This defaults to TRUE, and is normally what you want unless you
// need to do additional processing before drupal_mail_send() is called.
$send = TRUE;
// Send the mail, and check for success. Note that this does not guarantee
// message delivery; only that there were no PHP-related issues encountered
// while sending.
$result = drupal_mail($module, $key, $to, $language, $params, $from, $send);
if ($result['result'] == TRUE) {
drupal_set_message(t('These protection measures have been routed and an email has been sent.'));
else {
drupal_set_message(t('There was a problem routing these protection measures and the email was not sent.'), 'error');
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