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Created December 15, 2015 13:48
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// IOS set up the login screen
-(void) dwollaConnect {
NSArray *scopes = @[@"send", @"balance", @"accountinfofull", @"contacts", @"funding", @"request", @"transactions"];
_client = [[DwollaOAuth2Client alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 460) key:k_DWOLLA_KEY secret:k_DWOLLA_SECRET redirect:k_DWOLLA_REDIRECT_URL response:@"code" scopes:scopes view:self.view reciever:self];
[_client login];
# this is the ruby / rails code that receives the dwolla callback
# The oauth callback will hit this endpoint. We get a code that we then use to get an access token and refresh token from Dwolla.
def dwolla_oauth
code = params['code']
info = Dwolla::OAuth.get_token(code, DWOLLA_CALLBACK_URL) # <------------------- code dies here with invalid code
token = info['access_token']
refresh_token = info['refresh_token']
redirect_to dwolla_api_dwolla_oauth_index_path
rescue => exception "***Exception occurred during dwolla_oauth of dwolla oauth flow: #{exception}"
flash[:notice] = "An error has occurred during oauth with Dwolla."
redirect_to dwolla_api_dwolla_oauth_index_path
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