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Last active November 1, 2016 04:22
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Rocket.Chat DB Migration from Heroku/mLab to DigitalOcean

Rocket.Chat DB Migration from Heroku/mLab to DigitalOcean

  1. Put app in maintenance mode on Heroku
  2. Download backup of database in mLab
  3. Copy database to DO Droplet scp backup.tgz root@x.x.x.x:~/
  4. SSH into droplet and unzip the file tar zxvf backup.tgz
  5. Inside the unzipped directory, rename the database directory to parties/ mv backup/database-name/ backup/parties
  6. Delete the index file rm backup/parties/system.indexes.bson
  7. Delete the current mongo database mongo parties --eval "db.dropDatabase()"
  8. Restore the new database mongorestore backup/

To restart your the Droplet, you can run /sbin/shutdown -r now.

To shutdown the droplet, sudo shutdown -h now

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