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Forked from CLofton/midterm.js
Created October 22, 2015 23:32
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This is the midterm for the JS Section 2 class.
//Front End Intermediate Section 2 Midterm
//Directions: Write your answers in the space provided after the word answer.
//1. What is a data type that can have only the values true or false? Provide an example.
//2. What is a null value? Provide one example.
//3. List and describe 3 more data types used in JS.
//4. Write code that will concatenate 2 strings and a number. Make sure to include how you will print it out.
//5. How would you convert 7.3434343 to a string?
//6. Write the code to print out the length of the string “I love JS”.
//7. Write a line of code that prompts for user input.
//8. What is strict mode and how do you use it?
//The following is an example of what the next few questions will look like:
//Will the follow lines of code print out true or false?
//console.log(true && true);
//Answer: true
//9. console.log(true && false);
//10. console.log(false && true);
//11. console.log(true && true && false);
//12. console.log(true || false);
//13. console.log(false || true);
//14. console.log(true || true || false);
//15. console.log(!true);
//16. console.log(!undefined);
//17. console.log(!!"Hello");
//18. console.log(!!null);
//19. var x = 7;
// var y = 5;
// console.log(x !== y);
//20. What’s the difference between == and ===?
//21. What’s the difference between != and !==?
//22. What does (7 - 4 && 6 + 3) || (7 < 5 || 8 > 4) evaluate to? Explain how you solved your answer.
//23. Write a conditional statement that prints out 'even' when the variable 'number' is even.
//24. Write a conditional statement that prints out “good job” if the variable answer is true and “try again” if the variable answer is false.
//25. Write a conditional statement that prints out “divisible by 2”, “divisible by 3”, “divisible by 4”, or “divisible by 5” if a number is divisible by each of these numbers, respectively.
//Use the following array for questions 28-31.
var colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet"]
//26. Write code to print out the length of the 'colors' array and then the 3rd color of the array.
//27. Write code to add the color ‘dark-violet’ to the 'colors' array.
//28. Write code to add the color 'orange-yellow' to the 'colors' array between the colors orange and yellow. (So your array will print out red, orange, orange-yellow, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, dark-violet)
//29. Write the code to delete ‘orange’ from the array.
//30. Create an object that describes your favorite city. Include properties that have a string, a number, a boolean, and an array as values. Write code to print out one of the properties.
//31. Use a for loop to print out all the multiples of 3 between 1 and 100.
//32. Use a while loop to print out all the multiples of 7 between 1 and 100 in reverse order.
//33. Identify and explain the problem in the code below:
var a = 'Hello';
function helloWorld() {
var b = 'World';
return a + b;
//34. Apply the pop method to the array below.
var arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
//35. Apply the push method to the array below.
var arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
//36. Apply the shift method to the array below.
var arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
//37. Apply the unshift method to the array below.
var arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
//38. Create an associative array that stores 3 pieces of information about 3 of your family members.
//39. What does ++ do?
//40. What does -- do?
//41. What will the following lines of code print out?
var num = 3;
num += 4;
//42. What will the following lines of code print out?
var num = 8;
num *= 4;
//43. What will the following lines of code print out?
var num = 21;
num /= 7 ;
//44. Review the code below.
var colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green' 'yellow']
var certainColor = 'green'
var currentColor = colors[0];
var i = 0;
while (certainColor !== currentColor) {
currentColor = colors[i];
//What is the problem with the code? How could you fix it?
//45. Write the code for a function that prints out the text passed into the function as an argument.
//46. Create a function that prints out the average of a set of numbers.
//47. Call your above function and write the code to make the average print out.
//48. Use ternary operators to shrink the following code:
var light = 'on';
function toggleLight() {
if (light === 'on') {
light === 'off';
} else {
light === 'on';
//49. Create an object called “bob”. Assign the object “bob” the following properties:
//name: "Bob Smith",
//age: 30
//Then print out bob’s full name by accessing the properties within the object.
//50. Create a method called “aging” that adds 20 years to bob’s age. Then print out bob's new age.
//Bonus: Suppose you’re working for twitter and you have the following arrays available.
var username = [‘JoeQuery’, ‘CLofton’, ‘mistakevin’]
var tweet = [‘You are my sunshine’, ‘Amarillo by morning, up from San Anton’, ‘giggidy giggidy’]
var date = [ “07/24/2015” , “09/25/2015”, “10/25/2015” ]
//Generate an ordered list of tweets of the following form:
<li>@JoeQuery - You are my sunshine - Posted on 07/24/2015</li>
<li>@CLofton - Amarillo by morning, up from San Antone - Posted on 09/25/2015</li>
<li>@mistakevin - giggidy giggidy - Posted on 10/25/2015</li>
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