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Created February 14, 2020 23:22
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use v6;
use Test;
=begin pod
Roman Calculator
Write a script that accepts two roman numbers and operation. It should then perform the operation on the give roman numbers and print the result.
For example,
perl V + VI
It should print
=end pod
# code from PWC 10
sub fromRoman($rn is copy){
my @t=["XC" , 90, "CD" , 400, "IX" , 9, "CM" , 900, "IV" , 4, "XL" , 40,"I" , 1, "V" , 5, "X" , 10, "L" , 50, "C" , 100, "D" , 500, "M" , 1000];
my Int $dec=0;
while $rn.chars {
for @t -> $n,$d {
die "Unrecognised character in input [$rn]" if $rn !~~ /^ <[X C D I V L M]> /;
if $rn.starts-with($n) {
#say "hit $n -> $d";
$rn.=subst( $n, '', :1st);
return $dec;
sub toRoman($i is copy){
my @t=[1000 , "M", 900 , "CM", 500 , "D", 400 , "CD", 100 , "C", 90 , "XC", 50 , "L", 40 , "XL", 10 , "X", 9 , "IX", 5 , "V", 4 , "IV", 1 , "I"];
my $rn;
return "Error - Negative Value" if $i < 0;
while $i {
for @t -> $d,$n {
if $i-$d>=0 {
#say "match $i, $d";
return $rn;
#| Roman Numberal Calculator - Numeral1 +-/* Numeral2 (/ and * require quoting)
sub MAIN(Str $numeral1, Str $operation, Str $numeral2) {
my $n1=fromRoman($numeral1);
my $n2=fromRoman($numeral2);
given $operation {
when '+' { toRoman($n1+$n2).say };
when '-' { toRoman($n1-$n2).say };
when '*' { toRoman($n1*$n2).say };
when '/' { toRoman(Int($n1/$n2)).say };
default { say "Unknown operation '$operation'" }
use v6;
use Test;
=begin pod
Gapful Number
Write a script to print first 20 Gapful Numbers greater than or equal to 100. Please check out the page for more information about Gapful Numbers.
=end pod
# make a lazy sequence 100 to infinity
my @gapful = (100...Inf)
# filter each number with grep
.grep: {
# keeping it if it divides with no remainder it's first character * 10 plus its last character
$_ %% ( $_.substr( 0, 1 ) * 10 + $_.substr( *-1, 1 ) )
# select counting up to 20 from 0, pass the list to say with a hyper operation
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