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Created June 26, 2012 20:33
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Determining Schedulability of Tasks for a Rate-Monotonic Scheduling System
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module RMSTask
import Data.List
data RMSTask = RMSTask {execution :: Double, period :: Double} deriving (Show)
utilizationFactor :: RMSTask -> Double
utilizationFactor t = (execution t) / (period t)
sufficientSched :: [RMSTask] -> Bool
sufficientSched xs = sum (map (utilizationFactor) xs) <= n * (2.0 ** (1 / n) - 1)
n = genericLength xs :: Double
--return whether a list of RMSTasks is schedulable
necessarySched :: [RMSTask] -> Bool
necessarySched ts = (maximum (map (minLiSet ts) [1..n])) <= 1
n = length ts
--compute an Li term = minimum of the L_i set
minLiSet :: [RMSTask] -> Int -> Double
minLiSet ts i = minimum (map (calcSum i ts) (schedPointSet i ts))
--compute an L_i(t) term :)
calcSum :: Int -> [RMSTask] -> Double -> Double
calcSum 0 _ _ = 0.0
calcSum j ts t = (c_j / t) * (fromIntegral (ceiling (t / p_j) :: Int)) + (calcSum (j-1) ts t)
c_j = execution (ts !! (j-1))
p_j = period (ts !! (j-1))
--divide two Doubles and take the floor
floorDiv :: Double -> Double -> Int
floorDiv x y = floor $ x / y
--compute the scheduling point set S_i
schedPointSet :: Int -> [RMSTask] -> [Double]
schedPointSet i ts = nub $ sort $ [(fromIntegral k) * p_j | j <- [1..i], p_i <- [period (ts !! (i-1))], p_j <- [period (ts !! (j-1))], k <- [1..(floorDiv p_i p_j)]]
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