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Created September 12, 2012 12:43
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Save kevincox/3706359 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Firefox Addon Locale Manager
#! /usr/bin/env python
### SETTINGS ###
locales = "chrome/locale/" # The location of the locales.
baseLocale = "en-US" # The locale to match other locales to.
addFiles = True # Wether to add new files.
addKeys = True # Wether to add new keys or not.
removeFiles = True # Wether to remove extra files or not.
removeKeys = True # Wether to remove extra keys or not.
generateManifest = True # Wether or not to generate a chrome.manifest from
# chrome.mainfesft.head and the locales in {locales}.
chromePrefix = "adic"
########## START INTERNAL WORK ##########
import os, sys
import tempfile
import shutil
import string, re
class Parser:
"""Able to parse a line into a k/v pair"""
name = re.compile(r"a^")
comment = re.compile(r"a^"), # Won't match anything.
get = re.compile(r"([^=])*=.*")
def parse ( self, file ):
r = []
for l in file:
if self.isComment(l):
r.append((False, l))
m = re.match(l)
r.append(, 0))
return r
def applies ( self, name ):
return not not;
def isComment ( self, chunk ):
key, _ = chunk
return not key
class ParserProperties(Parser):
"""Able to parse a properties file."""
name = re.compile(r".*\.properties")
comment = re.compile(r"#.*|^$")
get = re.compile(r"([^=]*)=.*")
def parse ( self, file ):
r = []
for l in file:
if self.comment.match(l):
r.append((False, l))
m = self.get.match(l)
if not m: raise Exception("Input not valid")
k, v =, 0)
v = v+'\n'
r.append((k, v))
return r
class ParserDtd(Parser):
"""Able to parse a dtd file."""
name = re.compile(r".*\.dtd")
comment = re.compile(r"a^"), # Won't match anything.
get = re.compile(r'(<!ENTITY[\s]*([\S]*)[\s]*"[^"]*">)')
def parse ( self, file ):
c = self.get.split( # The whole match comes first.
return [ (k, j+v) for k, j, v in zip(c[2::3], c[0::3], c[1::3]) ]
parsers = [ParserProperties(), ParserDtd()]
def findParser ( name ):
global parsers
for p in parsers:
if p.applies(name): return p
return None
alocals = os.path.join(sys.path[0], locales)
availLocales = os.listdir(locales)
del availLocales[availLocales.index(baseLocale)] # Put the base locale in front.
availLocales.insert(0, baseLocale)
##### Generate chrome.manifest.
manifest = open("chrome.manifest", "w")
if os.path.exists("chrome.manifest.head"):
for l in availLocales:
manifest.write("locale {pre} {lan:<4} {path}/\n".format(pre=chromePrefix, lan=l, path=os.path.join(locales, l)))
##### Get base locale values.
os.chdir(os.path.join(alocals, baseLocale))
baseFiles = frozenset(os.listdir())
baseContent = dict()
for f in baseFiles:
p = findParser(f)
c = open(f)
try: chunks = p.parse(c)
except: raise Exception("File '{file}' is invalid.".format(file=os.path.join(baseLocale, f)))
baseContent[f] = dict(c for c in chunks if not p.isComment(c))
### Make other locales match.
for locale in availLocales[1:]: # Skip base locale
os.chdir(os.path.join(alocals, locale))
files = frozenset(os.listdir())
missing = baseFiles.difference(files)
for f in missing:
if addFiles:
print("{locale} is missing '{file}', coppying over.".format(locale=locale, file=f))
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(alocals, baseLocale, f), os.path.join(alocals, locale, f))
print("{locale} is missing '{file}', ingoring.".format(locale=locale, file=f))
for f in files:
try: bc = baseContent[f]
if removeFiles:
print("{locale} has unessary file '{file}', removing.".format(locale=locale, file=f))
print("{locale} has unessary file '{file}', ignoring.".format(locale=locale, file=f))
p = findParser(f)
try: chunks = p.parse(open(f))
except: raise Exception("File '{file}' is invalid.".format(file=os.path.join(locale, f)))
changed = False
i = -1
keys = set()
for c in chunks[:]:
if p.isComment(c): continue
i = i+1
k, v = c
try: v = bc[k]
if removeKeys:
print("{locale} has unessary key '{key}', removing.".format(locale=locale, key=k))
del chunks[i]
i = i-1
changed = True
print("{locale} has unessary key '{key}', ignoring.".format(locale=locale, key=k))
missing = frozenset(baseContent[f].keys()).difference(keys)
for k in missing:
if addKeys:
print("{locale} is missing key '{key}', adding.".format(locale=locale, key=k))
chunks.append((k, baseContent[f][k]))
i = i-1
changed = True
print("{locale} is missing key '{key}', ignoring.".format(locale=locale, key=k))
if changed:
n = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=".", mode="w", delete=False)
n.write("".join(c for _, c in chunks))
os.rename(, f)
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