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Last active June 6, 2016 15:00
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  • Save kevindelord/fe2e691d06ab745fbb00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kevindelord/fe2e691d06ab745fbb00 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
UIImage extension to automatically generate a valid UIImage on iPhone using an asset corresponding to the actual device screen size. If needed, this code will add the following image suffix: @2x, -568h@2x, -667h@2x, @3x.
// UIImage+Autoresize.h
// UIImage+Autoresize
// Created by kevin delord on 24/04/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Kevin Delord. All rights reserved.
// Full library and documentation here:
#ifndef UIImage_Autoresize_h__
#define UIImage_Autoresize_h__
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
* A categorized class of UIImage replacing the default `UIImage::imageNamed:` method with a custom one.
* Mainly used for fullscreen background images, this class adds a naming convetion to deal image assets
* with different sizes, orientations and scales.
* The suffixes are describe in the ``.
@interface UIImage (Autoresize)
#pragma mark - UIImage Initializer
* Method to override the `UIImage::imageNamed:` method with a custom one.
* The new method and its implementation will be executed instead of the default UIImage::imageNamed:
* The user don't need to do anything.
+ (void)load;
* Returns a new UIImage object created from a filename.
* @discussion This method will automatically add the needed image suffix for the current device.
* It also deals with the device interface orientation and different iOS versions.
* Important: the given filename should NOT contain any size-extension, only a name and its file type.
* @param imageName The NSString object representing the filename of the image.
* @return An UIImage created from a given string name.
+ (UIImage *)dynamicImageNamed:(NSString *)imageName;
* Returns a new UIImage object created from a filename and a required transition Size.
* @discussion This function should be called from a view controller when the device changes its orientation.
* The function `viewWillTransitionToSize:withTransitionCoordinator:` is only available from iOS 8.
* @param imageName The NSString object representing the filename of the image.
* @param size The new size for the container’s view.
* @return An UIImage created from a generated string name.
+ (UIImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)imageName withTransitionSize:(CGSize)size;
// UIImage+Autoresize.m
// UIImage+Autoresize
// Created by kevin delord on 24/04/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Kevin Delord. All rights reserved.
// Full library and documentation here:
#import "UIImage+Autoresize.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation UIImage (Autoresize)
#pragma mark - UIImage Initializer
* This function actually do the magic trick. When called for the first time it will swizz (replace)
* the normal `imageNamed:` method with a custom one implemented in this library.
+ (void)load {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
Method origImageNamedMethod = class_getClassMethod(self.class, @selector(imageNamed:));
method_exchangeImplementations(origImageNamedMethod, class_getClassMethod(self.class, @selector(dynamicImageNamed:)));
* Returns a valid suffix string to use with a portrait/vertical image file.
* It takes as parameters the desired height and witdh of the screen.
+ (NSString *)verticalExtensionForHeight:(CGFloat)h width:(CGFloat)w {
// Get the current device scale
CGFloat scale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
NSLog(@"--------------- VERTICAL ----------------------");
NSLog(@"h: %f", h);
NSLog(@"w: %f", w);
NSLog(@"scale: %f", scale);
// Generate the current valid file extension depending on the current device screen size.
NSString *extension = @""; // iPhone 3GS and earlier
if (scale == 3.f) {
extension = @"@3x"; // iPhone 6 Plus
} else if (scale == 2.f && h == 568.0f && w == 320.0f) {
extension = @"-568h@2x"; // iPhone 5, 5S, 5C
} else if (scale == 2.f && h == 667.0f && w == 375.0f) {
extension = @"-667h@2x"; // iPhone 6
} else if (scale == 2.f && h == 480.0f && w == 320.0f) {
extension = @"@2x"; // iPhone 4, 4S
} else if (scale == 1.f && h == 1024.0f && w == 768.0f) {
extension = @"-512h"; // iPad Mini, iPad 2, iPad 1
} else if (scale == 2.f && h == 1024.0f && w == 768.0f) {
extension = @"-1024h@2x"; // iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 2, iPad Air, iPad Air 2
return extension;
* Returns a valid suffix string to use with a landscape/horizontal image file.
* It takes as parameters the desired height and witdh of the screen.
+ (NSString *)horizontalExtensionForHeight:(CGFloat)h width:(CGFloat)w {
// Get the current device scale
CGFloat scale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
NSLog(@"--------------- HORIZONTAL --------------------");
NSLog(@"h: %f", h);
NSLog(@"w: %f", w);
NSLog(@"scale: %f", scale);
// Generate the current valid file extension depending on the current device screen size.
NSString *extension = @"-l"; // iPhone 3GS and earlier
if (scale == 3.f) {
extension = @"-l@3x"; // iPhone 6 Plus
} else if (scale == 2.f && w == 568.0f && h == 320.0f) {
extension = @"-320h-l@2x"; // iPhone 5, 5S, 5C
} else if (scale == 2.f && w == 667.0f && h == 375.0f) {
extension = @"-375h-l@2x"; // iPhone 6
} else if (scale == 2.f && w == 480.0f && h == 320.0f) {
extension = @"-l@2x"; // iPhone 4, 4S
} else if (scale == 1.f && w == 1024.0f && h == 768.0f) {
extension = @"-384h-l"; // iPad Mini, iPad 2, iPad 1
} else if (scale == 2.f && w == 1024.0f && h == 768.0f) {
extension = @"-768h-l@2x"; // iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 2, iPad Air, iPad Air 2
return extension;
* This function calculates the required CGSize with which the UIImage should depend from.
* This size is then use to get the correct suffix of the image filename.
* Returns an UIImage object.
+ (UIImage *)dynamicImageNamed:(NSString *)imageName {
// Only change the name if no '@2x' or '@3x' are specified
if ([imageName rangeOfString:@"@"].location == NSNotFound) {
UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation = [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation;
CGSize size = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size;
// Before iOS 8.0 the current mainScreen bounds were giving a different result than with newest iOS version.
// The size needs to be reversed for landscape mode.
if ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] compare:@"8.0" options:NSNumericSearch] == NSOrderedAscending) {
if (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft || interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight) {
CGFloat temp = size.width;
size.width = size.height;
size.height = temp;
return [self imageNamed:imageName withTransitionSize:size];
// Otherwise returns an UIImage with the original filename.
return [UIImage dynamicImageNamed:imageName];
* When given a valid name and a transition size as parameters, this function will generate a new
* filename with a required suffix.
* This filename is used to create and return a new UIImage object.
+ (UIImage *)imageNamed:(NSString *)imageName withTransitionSize:(CGSize)size {
// Only change the name if no '@2x' or '@3x' are specified
if ([imageName rangeOfString:@"@"].location == NSNotFound) {
NSString *extension = @"";
if (size.height >= size.width) {
extension = [self verticalExtensionForHeight:size.height width:size.width];
} else {
extension = [self horizontalExtensionForHeight:size.height width:size.width];
// Add the extension to the image name
NSRange dot = [imageName rangeOfString:@"."];
NSMutableString *imageNameMutable = [imageName mutableCopy];
if (dot.location != NSNotFound) {
[imageNameMutable insertString:extension atIndex:dot.location];
} else {
[imageNameMutable appendString:extension];
// If exist returns the corresponding UIImage
if ([[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageNameMutable ofType:@""]) {
return [UIImage dynamicImageNamed:imageNameMutable];
// Otherwise returns an UIImage with the original filename.
return [UIImage dynamicImageNamed:imageName];
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If would be awesome if with support x3 and had some fallback to make it future proof.

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