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Last active December 9, 2015 20:38
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A snippet from a JSF XHTML page used to create a Highchart chart using JSF.
<!-- Note: I tried to include these scripts within the composite component XHTML pages
(where they belong), but I got JSF errors (apparently, a Bug in latest Mojarra JSF).-->
<h:outputScript library="javascript/highcharts/js/" name="highcharts.js" target="head" />
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<h1>New Zealand National Ethnic Population Projections</h1>
<div id="subtitle">
Projections for the New Zealand Population makeup for the year 2026 using
data from 2006. For more information, see
<a href="">the full report</a>
from Statistics New Zealand. 2006 estimates are shown for comparison.
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="graph">
<hc:Chart title="New Zealand Nation Ethnic Population Estimates for 2006" xLabel="Age Groups (Years)" yLabel="Percentage of Total Population">
<hc:ColumnSeries name="NZ European" series="#{nZEthnicPopulation2026.nzEuropeanSeries}" />
<hc:ColumnSeries name="Maori" series="#{nZEthnicPopulation2006.maoriSeries}"/>
<hc:ColumnSeries name="Pacific" series="#{nZEthnicPopulation2006.pacificSeries}" />
<hc:ColumnSeries name="Asian" series="#{nZEthnicPopulation2006.asianSeries}" />
<h:panelGroup layout="block" styleClass="graph">
<hc:Chart title="New Zealand Nation Ethnic Population Projections for 2026" xLabel="Age Groups (Years)" yLabel="Percentage of Total Population">
<hc:ColumnSeries name="NZ European" series="#{nZEthnicPopulation2026.nzEuropeanSeries}" />
<hc:ColumnSeries name="Maori" series="#{nZEthnicPopulation2026.maoriSeries}"/>
<hc:ColumnSeries name="Pacific" series="#{nZEthnicPopulation2026.pacificSeries}" />
<hc:ColumnSeries name="Asian" series="#{nZEthnicPopulation2026.asianSeries}" />
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