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Kevin Gimbel KevinGimbel

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KevinGimbel / index.html
Created June 23, 2013 10:28
A CodePen by Joey. Social Colors - Hex Codes - Hex Codes for all major Social Networks.
<section class="wrapper">
<h1>Social Colors - <a href=""><span>full collection</span></a></h1>
<li class="fb">Facebook #3B5998</li>
<li class="flick">Flickr #FE0883</li>
<li class="four">Foursquare #8FD400</li>
<li class="gplus">Google+ #C63D2D</li>
<li class="inst">Instagram #4E433C</li>
<li class="linked">Linkedin #4875B4</li>
KevinGimbel / _USAGE.scss
Created October 12, 2013 10:20
Based on Yahoo's Pure Framework this is the easiest way of implementing a grid I found. I like to use this to preview or prototype projects. It can be imported to your SCSS, the "_" tells Compass to not compile this file. Notice: This is a Prototyping helper! It doesn't automatically calculate available space. You have to extend the Helper on ev…
@import "helper.GRID";
.wrapper {
@extend %grid--father;
KevinGimbel / _sprites.scss
Created November 18, 2013 12:47
I ran into a uncomfortable situation when dealing with Compass generated CSS sprite maps. The Problem was: compass didn't set the height and width for each of the logos which resolved in overlapping. I found an unbelievable easy solution and I think it's worth sharing because it took me quite some time. Kudos to this guy:…
/* importing the compass sprite mixins */
@import "compass/utilities/sprites/base";
/* HERE's the magic: Setting a variable BEFORE loading the sprites */
/* loading all the images from the brands directory */
@import "brands/*.png";
/* and finally, telling compass to include ALL THE SPRITES \o/ */
@include all-breands-sprites;
KevinGimbel / keyconf
Created November 19, 2013 15:34
Re-configuring the Keyboard Layout on Ubuntu
# placed in ~/.bashrc
alias keyboardconf='sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration'
# Whenever keyboardconf is written inside a terminal the configure screen comes up and you can
# re-configure the settings to the language you want. It's not a perfect solution and I'm happy
# my keyboard doesn't switch all the time (it's total random)
KevinGimbel / functions.php
Created December 4, 2013 13:44
A small but useful function the include the content of a Page into whatever you want - can be used for dynamic contents. Example: You have a mixed language WordPress system where a few repeating texts need to be in English or German depending on whatever criteria. See usage.php for an example. The Path in this case is simply the Permalink or Slu…
// Add this to your functions.php
function include_page_content($path) {
$post = get_page_by_path($path);
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content);
echo $content;
KevinGimbel / loop.html
Created January 3, 2014 21:35
Building a Portfolio Page with Jekyll and Posts. Not tested but should work.
<!-- the standard loop for all your posts -->
{% for post in site.posts %}
<!-- check if there is a portfolio thing set inside the Front Matter
Note: Do not set "portfolio: false" on normal posts - this is not needed
and could lead to problems
{% if post.portfolio %}
<!-- do nothing here -->
{% endif %}
KevinGimbel / comments.css
Created January 15, 2014 13:02
Hey Iris! I summed up comments in Scss (and CSS) for you so you can safely remove them from your current CSS. :)
Types of Comments in (S)CSS:
Standard multi-line comment.
This is the most used I'd say.
Though this is pretty awesome while developing, it should be removed for production.
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function (c) {
console.log('server connected');
c.on('end', function() {
console.log('server disconnected');
c.write('Hello World!');
KevinGimbel / hosts
Created February 17, 2014 20:14
Basics of setting up a VirtualHost with Apache (locally)
# /etc/hosts localhost typo3.local my-awesome-site.local
# In my browser I can now use to see my localhost (because I have no site.conf for at the moment :D)

We Love Icon Fonts search

The search on We Love Icon Fonts is a long requested issue.

To use the search, just drag'n'drop the js file (minfied or unminified) in the bookmarks bar.

You can watch an installation video here: