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Last active May 31, 2024 15:57
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Wait for one, cancel other `asyncio` tasks

Wait for one, cancel others

This is a little helper script that can be used to wait for a single asyncio task to finish, then cancel other waiting tasks.


My use-case for this is:

  • waiting on user input
  • ...while waiting on cancellation events input (via pub-sub)
  • ...while waiting on errors

when ANY of these events occurs, we should cancel the other running tasks.

The function takes in a list of asyncio.Tasks and returns a list of the respective results (or None, if the task was cancelled), i.e.

task_1_result, task_2_result, ... = await wait_for_one_cancel_others(
# `task_1_result` can be a value (if task 1 finishes) or `None` (if task 2 finishes)
# `task_2_result` can be None (if task 1 finishes) or a value (if task 2 finishes)
# ...and so forth


For an example:

  sensor_success, cancelled_success = await wait_for_one_cancel_others(
  # Here, if we had a sensor input, `sensor_success` would return `True` and
  # `cancelled_success` would be `None`. 
  # If there was a cancellation event, then instead `sensor_success` would be `None`
  # and `cancelled_success` would be `True`

or perhaps with a timeout:

  sensor_success, cancelled_success, timeout_success = await wait_for_one_cancel_others(
    asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(delay=10.0, result=True)) # NOTE: the `result=True` bit here, so the function returns True on timeout
  # if the task times out, then sensor_success, cancelled_success would be None,
  # and timeout_success would be True

Here, we're waiting on some sensor input WHILE monitoring for a cancellation event (via NATS). When either one of these events occurs, it will cancel the other tasks passed into the function.


It's important to note that, technically, two tasks can finish at the same time. This means you will get multiple non-null return values. You can mitigate this from occuring by ensuring a task does not return without being cancelled.

import asyncio
from typing import List, Optional, Set, TypeVar, Union
T = TypeVar('T')
def get_task_result_or_none(task: asyncio.Task[T], done: Set[asyncio.Task[T]], cancelled: Set[asyncio.Task[T]]) -> Optional[T]:
if task in done:
return task.result()
if task in cancelled:
return None
raise ValueError(f'Task {task.get_name()} not in `done` or `cancelled`')
async def wait_for_one_cancel_others(*tasks: asyncio.Task[T]) -> List[Optional[T]]:
"""Waits for one task to finish, then cancels the rest.
I *think* tasks could both finish at the same time. In this case, no tasks will be
cancelled and both will have their respective return values.
sensor_success, cancelled_success = await wait_for_one_cancel_others(
List[Optional[T]]: returns a list containing the return values of the tasks or None (if cancelled)
* Can return [None, None, ...] if the task itself was cancelled (shouldn't occur)
# Wait for any task to complete
done, pending = await asyncio.wait(tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
# Cancel all other tasks that are still pending
for task in pending:
return [get_task_result_or_none(task, done, pending) for task in tasks]
except asyncio.CancelledError:
return [None] * len(tasks)
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kevinhikaruevans commented May 30, 2024

Some other ideas:

  • would be nice to accept anything coroutine-like/awaitable, maybe Awaitable[T1]
  • would also be nice if the type hinting used from typing import overload and we used T1, T2, T3... types.

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