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Created April 13, 2024 23:15
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Managed identity and microsoft graph permission setup
func_name=<the name of the function app>
# global id for Microsoft Graph
graph_id=$(az ad sp show --id 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 --query id -o tsv)
managed_identity=$(az ad sp list --display-name $func_name --query '[0]' -o json)
mi_object_id=$(echo $managed_identity | jq .id -r)
mi_app_id=$(echo $managed_identity | jq .appId -r)
# optional, show available permissions for Microsoft Graph
# az ad sp show --id $graph_id
# assign application roles to the managed identity
# Application.ReadWrite.All app role to the managed identity
# SECURITY: if you get a Forbidden from this call, you don't have permissions to assign app roles
az rest -m POST -u$mi_object_id/appRoleAssignments -b "{\"principalId\": \"$mi_object_id\", \"resourceId\": \"$graph_id\",\"appRoleId\": \"$role_id\"}"
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