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Forked from martymcmodding/MMPX.fx
Created June 30, 2021 21:11
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McGuire & Mara, MMPX Style-Preserving Pixel Art Magnification, port to ReShade
Copyright 2020 Morgan McGuire & Mara Gagiu.
Provided under the Open Source MIT license
by Morgan McGuire and Mara Gagiu.
ReShade 4 effect file
Basic implementation of MMPX by McGuire & Mara Gagiu for ReShade
ported after the GLSL version
Some notes:
ReShade cannot upscale the backbuffer. This means that this
implementation will only work if the game draws the sprites in 2x2, 4x4
or similar pixel blocks. If 1 sprite texel == 1 backbuffer pixel,
this will not work. ReShade cannot force the game to supersample.
Since MMPX is a compute shader, a prepass will first downscale the input
to the actual input size, i.e. 1920x1080 w/ sprite texel size 4x4 -> 480x270
MMPX will then upscale by x2, in this example to 960x540
A final pass (in ReShade, CS cannot write to backbuffer directly) will
upscale 960x540 MMPX output to 1920x1080 again with nearest neighbour.
The result is a 2x resolution increase for the sprites.
Implementation is not very clean at the moment. ReShade does not have
32 bit uint texture type, hence the conversion argb8 <-> uint is done
on the fly to retain as much original code as possible.
I'd like to extend this implementation to a pixel shader to ensure DX9
compatibility and make the upscaling dynamically adjustable without
Preprocessor settings
#define INPUT_SCALE 2 //2 := input is half resolution, i.e. each source pixel covers a 2x2 block
UI Uniforms
uniform bool SHOW_INPUT <
ui_label = "Show Input";
> = false;
uniform int UIHELP <
ui_type = "radio";
ui_label = " ";
ui_text ="Set INPUT_SCALE to the size of the sprite texel the game uses.\nE.g. if 1 sprite texel maps to 4x4 screen pixels, set it to 4.";
Textures, Samplers, Globals
//integer divide, rounding up, required if backbuffer is not divisible by NxN
//CS will do overdraw, but since last pass does a direct texture fetch, this overdraw is invisible
#define CEIL_DIV(num, denom) (((num - 1) / denom) + 1)
texture2D MMPXInputTex { Width = INPUT_SIZE_X; Height = INPUT_SIZE_Y; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler2D sMMPXInputTex { Texture = MMPXInputTex; };
texture2D MMPXDestinationTex { Width = INPUT_SIZE_X * 2; Height = INPUT_SIZE_Y * 2; Format = RGBA8; };
sampler2D sMMPXDestinationTex { Texture = MMPXDestinationTex; };
storage stMMPXDestinationTex { Texture = MMPXDestinationTex; };
texture ColorInputTex : COLOR;
sampler ColorInput { Texture = ColorInputTex; };
Vertex Shader
struct CSIN
uint3 groupthreadid : SV_GroupThreadID; //XYZ idx of thread inside group
uint3 groupid : SV_GroupID; //XYZ idx of group inside dispatch
uint3 dispatchthreadid : SV_DispatchThreadID; //XYZ idx of thread inside dispatch
uint threadid : SV_GroupIndex; //flattened idx of thread inside group
void VS_FullscreenTriangle(in uint id : SV_VertexID, out float4 vpos : SV_Position, out float2 uv : TEXCOORD)
uv.x = (id == 2) ? 2.0 : 0.0;
uv.y = (id == 1) ? 2.0 : 0.0;
vpos = float4(uv * float2(2.0, -2.0) + float2(-1.0, 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
#define ABGR8 uint
uint luma(ABGR8 C) {
uint alpha = (C & 0xFF000000u) >> 24;
return (((C & 0x00FF0000u) >> 16) + ((C & 0x0000FF00u) >> 8) + (C & 0x000000FFu) + 1u) * (256u - alpha);
bool all_eq2(ABGR8 B, ABGR8 A0, ABGR8 A1) {
return ((B ^ A0) | (B ^ A1)) == 0u;
bool all_eq3(ABGR8 B, ABGR8 A0, ABGR8 A1, ABGR8 A2) {
return ((B ^ A0) | (B ^ A1) | (B ^ A2)) == 0u;
bool all_eq4(ABGR8 B, ABGR8 A0, ABGR8 A1, ABGR8 A2, ABGR8 A3) {
return ((B ^ A0) | (B ^ A1) | (B ^ A2) | (B ^ A3)) == 0u;
bool any_eq3(ABGR8 B, ABGR8 A0, ABGR8 A1, ABGR8 A2) {
return B == A0 || B == A1 || B == A2;
bool none_eq2(ABGR8 B, ABGR8 A0, ABGR8 A1) {
return (B != A0) && (B != A1);
bool none_eq4(ABGR8 B, ABGR8 A0, ABGR8 A1, ABGR8 A2, ABGR8 A3) {
return B != A0 && B != A1 && B != A2 && B != A3;
uint encode_abgr8(float4 color)
uint4 c = uint4(color * 255) & 0xFF;
uint ret =
(c.a << 24) | (c.b << 16) | (c.g << 8) | (c.r);
return ret;
float4 decode_abgr8(uint abgr8)
return float4(
abgr8 & 0x000000FF,
(abgr8 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8,
(abgr8 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16,
(abgr8 & 0xFF000000) >> 24
) / 255.0;
uint fetch_src(uint x, uint y)
return encode_abgr8(tex2Dfetch(sMMPXInputTex, int2(x, y)));
Pixel Shaders
void PSDownsample(in float4 vpos : SV_Position, in float2 uv : TEXCOORD, out float3 o : SV_Target0)
o = tex2D(ColorInput, uv).rgb;
void CS_MMPX(in CSIN i)
int srcX = int(i.dispatchthreadid.x);
int srcY = int(i.dispatchthreadid.y);
ABGR8 A = fetch_src(srcX - 1, srcY - 1), B = fetch_src(srcX, srcY - 1), C = fetch_src(srcX + 1, srcY - 1);
ABGR8 D = fetch_src(srcX - 1, srcY + 0), E = fetch_src(srcX, srcY + 0), F = fetch_src(srcX + 1, srcY + 0);
ABGR8 G = fetch_src(srcX - 1, srcY + 1), H = fetch_src(srcX, srcY + 1), I = fetch_src(srcX + 1, srcY + 1);
ABGR8 J = E, K = E, L = E, M = E;
if (((A ^ E) | (B ^ E) | (C ^ E) | (D ^ E) | (F ^ E) | (G ^ E) | (H ^ E) | (I ^ E)) != 0u)
ABGR8 P = fetch_src(srcX, srcY - 2), S = fetch_src(srcX, srcY + 2);
ABGR8 Q = fetch_src(srcX - 2, srcY), R = fetch_src(srcX + 2, srcY);
ABGR8 Bl = luma(B), Dl = luma(D), El = luma(E), Fl = luma(F), Hl = luma(H);
// 1:1 slope rules
if ((D == B && D != H && D != F) && (El >= Dl || E == A) && any_eq3(E, A, C, G) && ((El < Dl) || A != D || E != P || E != Q)) J = D;
if ((B == F && B != D && B != H) && (El >= Bl || E == C) && any_eq3(E, A, C, I) && ((El < Bl) || C != B || E != P || E != R)) K = B;
if ((H == D && H != F && H != B) && (El >= Hl || E == G) && any_eq3(E, A, G, I) && ((El < Hl) || G != H || E != S || E != Q)) L = H;
if ((F == H && F != B && F != D) && (El >= Fl || E == I) && any_eq3(E, C, G, I) && ((El < Fl) || I != H || E != R || E != S)) M = F;
// Intersection rules
if ((E != F && all_eq4(E, C, I, D, Q) && all_eq2(F, B, H)) && (F != fetch_src(srcX + 3, srcY))) K = M = F;
if ((E != D && all_eq4(E, A, G, F, R) && all_eq2(D, B, H)) && (D != fetch_src(srcX - 3, srcY))) J = L = D;
if ((E != H && all_eq4(E, G, I, B, P) && all_eq2(H, D, F)) && (H != fetch_src(srcX, srcY + 3))) L = M = H;
if ((E != B && all_eq4(E, A, C, H, S) && all_eq2(B, D, F)) && (B != fetch_src(srcX, srcY - 3))) J = K = B;
if (Bl < El && all_eq4(E, G, H, I, S) && none_eq4(E, A, D, C, F)) J = K = B;
if (Hl < El && all_eq4(E, A, B, C, P) && none_eq4(E, D, G, I, F)) L = M = H;
if (Fl < El && all_eq4(E, A, D, G, Q) && none_eq4(E, B, C, I, H)) K = M = F;
if (Dl < El && all_eq4(E, C, F, I, R) && none_eq4(E, B, A, G, H)) J = L = D;
// 2:1 slope rules
if (H != B) {
if (H != A && H != E && H != C) {
if (all_eq3(H, G, F, R) && none_eq2(H, D, fetch_src(srcX + 2, srcY - 1))) L = M;
if (all_eq3(H, I, D, Q) && none_eq2(H, F, fetch_src(srcX - 2, srcY - 1))) M = L;
if (B != I && B != G && B != E) {
if (all_eq3(B, A, F, R) && none_eq2(B, D, fetch_src(srcX + 2, srcY + 1))) J = K;
if (all_eq3(B, C, D, Q) && none_eq2(B, F, fetch_src(srcX - 2, srcY + 1))) K = J;
} // H !== B
if (F != D) {
if (D != I && D != E && D != C) {
if (all_eq3(D, A, H, S) && none_eq2(D, B, fetch_src(srcX + 1, srcY + 2))) J = L;
if (all_eq3(D, G, B, P) && none_eq2(D, H, fetch_src(srcX + 1, srcY - 2))) L = J;
if (F != E && F != A && F != G) {
if (all_eq3(F, C, H, S) && none_eq2(F, B, fetch_src(srcX - 1, srcY + 2))) K = M;
if (all_eq3(F, I, B, P) && none_eq2(F, H, fetch_src(srcX - 1, srcY - 2))) M = K;
} // F !== D
} // not constant
tex2Dstore(stMMPXDestinationTex, int2(srcX * 2 + 0, srcY * 2 + 0), decode_abgr8(J));
tex2Dstore(stMMPXDestinationTex, int2(srcX * 2 + 1, srcY * 2 + 0), decode_abgr8(K));
tex2Dstore(stMMPXDestinationTex, int2(srcX * 2 + 0, srcY * 2 + 1), decode_abgr8(L));
tex2Dstore(stMMPXDestinationTex, int2(srcX * 2 + 1, srcY * 2 + 1), decode_abgr8(M));
void PSVisualize(in float4 vpos : SV_Position, in float2 uv : TEXCOORD, out float3 o : SV_Target0)
? tex2Dfetch(sMMPXInputTex, vpos.xy / INPUT_SCALE).rgb
: tex2Dfetch(sMMPXDestinationTex, vpos.xy / INPUT_SCALE * 2).rgb;
technique MMPX
VertexShader = VS_FullscreenTriangle;
PixelShader = PSDownsample;
RenderTarget = MMPXInputTex;
ComputeShader = CS_MMPX<8, 8>;
DispatchSizeX = CEIL_DIV(INPUT_SIZE_X, 8);
DispatchSizeY = CEIL_DIV(INPUT_SIZE_Y, 8);
VertexShader = VS_FullscreenTriangle;
PixelShader = PSVisualize;
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