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Last active September 11, 2023 05:12
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Sweep Sandbox Install from Source
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}### Starting Setup Script ###${NC}\n"
# Function to display message and exit when a command fails
exit_if_fail() {
if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
echo -e "${RED}Error: $1${NC}"
exit 1
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}--> Checking for Python3, venv, and Docker...${NC}\n"
command -v python3 >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo -e "${RED}Error: Python3 not found. Install it first.${NC}"; exit 1; }
command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo -e "${RED}Error: Docker not found. Install it first.${NC}"; exit 1; }
python3 -c "import venv" 2>/dev/null || { echo -e "${RED}Error: venv not found. Install it first.${NC}"; exit 1; }
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}--> Cloning repository...${NC}\n"
cd /tmp
rm -rf sweep
git clone --depth 1
exit_if_fail "Failed to clone repository."
cd sweep/sweepai/sandbox
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}--> Setting up virtual environment...${NC}\n"
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
exit_if_fail "Failed to set up virtual environment."
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}--> Installing Python dependencies...${NC}\n"
pip install -r requirements.txt
exit_if_fail "Failed to install Python dependencies."
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}--> Installing PyInstaller...${NC}\n"
pip install pyinstaller
exit_if_fail "Failed to install PyInstaller."
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}--> Creating standalone executable...${NC}\n"
PYTHONPATH=. pyinstaller --onefile --paths ./src
exit_if_fail "Failed to create standalone executable."
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}--> Copying executable to home directory and /usr/bin...${NC}\n"
mv dist/cli dist/sweep-sandbox
cp dist/sweep-sandbox ~/
alias sweep-sandbox=~/sweep-sandbox
echo "alias sweep-sandbox=~/sweep-sandbox" >> ~/.bashrc
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
echo "alias sweep-sandbox='~/sweep-sandbox'" >> ~/.bashrc
elif [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then
echo "alias sweep-sandbox='~/sweep-sandbox'" >> ~/.zshrc
elif [ -n "$FISH_VERSION" ]; then
echo "alias sweep-sandbox='~/sweep-sandbox'" >> ~/.config/fish/
echo "Shell not supported."
exit_if_fail "Failed to copy executable."
cd ~/
echo -e "\n${CYAN}${WHITE}### Setup Completed Successfully ###${NC}\n"
echo "To get started, run `sweep-sandbox` in the base of the repository you want to test Sweep's Sandbox execution runner in."
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