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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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<dt>Original HTML</dt>
<dd><pre class="prettyprint lang-html linenums original_html selected">&lt;div&gt;
&lt;a href=""&gt;In Our Time&lt;/a&gt;,
&lt;a href=""&gt;Ordinary Language Philosophy&lt;/a&gt;, episode 604,
broadcast on BBC Radio 4 at 09:00, 7th of November 2013, available online from 09:45 on the same day.
<dt>Microformats 2</dt>
<dd><pre class="prettyprint lang-html linenums microformats ">
&lt;div class="h-schema-RadioSeries"&gt;
&lt;a class="p-name" href=""&gt;In Our Time&lt;/a&gt;,
&lt;div class="p-schema-episode h-schema-RadioEpisode"&gt;
&lt;a class="p-name" href=""&gt;Ordinary Language Philosophy&lt;/a&gt;,
episode &lt;span class="p-schema-position"&gt;604&lt;/span&gt;,
broadcast on
&lt;span class="p-schema-publication h-schema-BroadcastEvent"&gt;
&lt;a class="p-schema-publishedOn h-schema-BroadcastService" href=""&gt;BBC Radio 4&lt;/a&gt;
at &lt;time class="dt-schema-startDate" datetime="2013-11-07T09:00+0100"&gt;09:00, 7th of November 2013&lt;/time&gt;
&lt;/span&gt;, available online from
&lt;span class="p-schema-publication h-schema-OnDemandEvent"&gt;
&lt;time class="dt-schema-startDate" datetime="2013-11-07T09:45+0100"&gt;09:45 on the same day&lt;/time&gt;
<dt>Microformats parsed</dt>
<dd><pre class="prettyprint lang-html linenums microformats-parsed ">{ "items": [{ "type": ["h-schema-RadioSeries"], "properties": { "name": ["In Our Time"], "schema-episode": [{ "value": "Ordinary Language Philosophy", "type": ["h-schema-RadioEpisode"], "properties": { "name": ["Ordinary Language Philosophy"], "schema-position": ["604"], "schema-publication": [{ "value": "BBC Radio 4\n at 09:00, 7th of November 2013", "type": ["h-schema-BroadcastEvent"], "properties": { "schema-publishedOn": [{ "value": "BBC Radio 4", "type": ["h-schema-BroadcastService"], "properties": { "name": ["BBC Radio 4"], "url": [""] } }], "schema-startDate": ["2013-11-07T09:00+0100"], "name": ["BBC Radio 4\n at 09:00, 7th of November 2013"] } }, { "value": "09:45 on the same day", "type": ["h-schema-OnDemandEvent"], "properties": { "schema-startDate": ["2013-11-07T09:45+0100"], "name": ["09:45 on the same day"] } }], "url": [""] } }], "url": [""] } }], "rels": {}, "rel-urls": {}}</pre>
<dd><pre class="prettyprint lang-html linenums microdata ">&lt;div itemscope itemtype=""&gt; &lt;a itemprop="url" href=""&gt; &lt;span itemprop="name"&gt;In Our Time&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;, &lt;div itemprop="episode" itemscope itemtype=""&gt; &lt;a itemprop="url" href=""&gt; &lt;span itemprop="name"&gt;Ordinary Language Philosophy&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt;, episode &lt;span itemprop="position"&gt;604&lt;/span&gt;, broadcast on &lt;div itemprop="publication" itemscope itemtype=""&gt; &lt;div itemprop="publishedOn" itemscope itemtype=""&gt; &lt;a itemprop="url" href=""&gt;&lt;span itemprop="name"&gt;BBC Radio 4&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/div&gt; at &lt;span itemprop="startDate" content="2013-11-07T09:00:00+01:00"&gt;09:00, 7th of November 2013&lt;/span&gt; &lt;/div&gt;, available online from &lt;div itemprop="publication" itemscope itemtype=""&gt; &lt;span itemprop="startDate" content="2013-11-07T09:45:00+01:00"&gt;09:45 on the same day&lt;/span&gt;. &lt;/div&gt; &lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</pre></dd>
// alert('Hello world!');
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