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Last active June 1, 2017 14:15
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AbstractCarrier Class for PHP Event Bus Using RabbitMQ
abstract class AbstractCarrier {
protected $connection;
protected $channel;
protected $queueName;
public function __construct($queueName, $host = 'localhost', $port = 5672, $username = 'guest', $password = 'guest') {
$this->queueName = $queueName;
$this->connection = new AMQPStreamConnection($host, $port, $username, $password);
$this->channel = $this->connection->channel();
$this->channel->queue_declare($queueName, false, false, false, false);
* This method is called by the script that implements the carrier. It is blocking.
* The call to basic_consume calls the 'receivedParcel' method which is implmented by the subclasses
public function waitForMail() {
$this->channel->basic_consume($this->queueName, $this->queueName, false,false,false,false, [$this, 'receivedParcel']);
while (count($this->channel->callbacks)) {
/* Stub to be implemented by sub classes */
protected function receivedParcel($msg){}
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