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Forked from muditlambda/jest.config.js
Created August 22, 2022 15:57
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//Jest testing tutorial for Selenium JavaScript Testing
// This configuration properties are taken from the official Jest documentation which is available at
//const {default} = require('jest-config');
module.exports = {
// It indicates that each one imported modules in the tests must be mocked automatically
automock: false,
// It indicates that it must prevent running the assessments after the primary failure is encountered
bail: false,
// It indicates the "browser" field in package.Json when resolving modules
browser: false,
// It indicates the listing where Jest must save the cached dependency details gathered from all throughout the tests
cacheDirectory: "/var/folders/jest_dx",
// It suggests that the framework must automatically clean mock calls and instances between each test
clearMocks: true,
// It shows whether or not it have to have the coverage data collected while executing the test
collectCoverage: false,
// It indicates that each one imported modules in the tests must be mocked automatically
// It indicates that an array of record extensions our modules should be using
moduleFileExtensions: [
// It suggests the Jest to have an enum that specifies notification mode. Requires notify: true
notifyMode: "always",
// It indicates the framework to have a preset this is used as a base for Jest's configuration
preset: null,
// It suggests to run tests from one or extra projects
projects: null,
// This indicates using the configuration to add custom newshounds to Jest
reporters: undefined,
// This configuration shows the Jest to routinely reset mock state between every test
resetMocks: false,
// This property suggests Jest to reset the module registry earlier than walking each person test
resetModules: false,
// This configuration indicates Jest testing framework to the course of a custom resolver
resolver: null,
// This configuration indicates Jest to the course of a custom resolver
// This configuration indicates the Jest to allows us to apply a custom runner in preference to Jest's default inbuilt Jest test runner
runner: "jest-runner",
// This configuration factors to the trails to modules that run a few code to configure or installation the test environment before each test run
setupFiles: [],
// This configuration indicates the Jest to the direction to a module that runs some code to configure or installation the testing framework before than each test run
setupFilesAfterEnv: null,
// This configuration factors the Jest to the list of paths of the snapshot serializer modules that Jest must use for each of the snapshot testing
snapshotSerializers: [],
// This configuration suggests the Jest to allow using a custom outcome or the result processor
testResultsProcessor: null,
// This configuration shows the Jest to permit the usage of a new custom test runner instead of the default
testRunner: "jasmine2",
// This configuration shows the Jest testing framework to assign the URL for the jsdom environment. It is shown in properties and configuration like the location.Href testURL: "http://localhost",
testURL: "http://localhost",
// This property points to the setting of the price to "faux" lets in the use of fake timers for capabilities which includes "setTimeout"
timers: "real",
// This property suggests the Jest to a map from regular expressions to paths to transformers
transform: null,
// This configuration shows the Jest to an array of regex expression sample strings which are matched towards all source record paths, matched documents will pass transformation
transformIgnorePatterns: [
// It suggests that a map from ordinary regex to module names that permit to stub out assets with a single module
moduleNameMapper: {},
// It suggests that an array of regex expression sample strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader
modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],
// It suggests the Jest to prompt notifications for take a look at results
notify: false,
// This configuration indicates the Jest which take a look at test environment it need to use for the testing run
testEnvironment: "jest-environment-jsdom",
// This configuration shows the Jest to the options so one can be passed to the testEnvironment
testEnvironmentOptions: {},
// This configuration shows the Jest to add a location field to test the outcome of the run
testLocationInResults: false,
// This configuration factors to the glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
testMatch: [
// This configuration indicates the Jest to an array of regexp pattern strings that are matched towards all test paths, matched tests are skipped
testPathIgnorePatterns: [
// This configuration points to the regexp sample Jest makes use of to detect test files
testRegex: "",
// This configuration shows the Jest to routinely restore mock state among every tests that are executed
restoreMocks: false,
// This configuration suggests framework to the root listing that Jest should check for the test cases and modules inside them
rootDir: null,
// This configuration shows the Jest framework to the list of paths to directories that Jest ought to use to look for files inside them
roots: [
// It indicates that an array of glob patterns indicating a hard and fast of files for which insurance statistics ought to be collected
collectCoverageFrom: null,
// It indicates the directory in which Jest ought to output its coverage documents and test files
coverageDirectory: 'coverage',
// This property shows that an array of regexp sample strings used to skip the test coverage collection
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
// It indicates that a list of reporter names that Jest makes use of whilst writing coverage reports
coverageReporters: [
// This property shows that an item that configures minimal threshold enforcement for coverage reports
coverageThreshold: null,
// This property shows that framework have to make call of deprecated APIs and throw helpful errors messages
errorOnDeprecated: false,
// This property indicates the Jest testing framework to force insurance collection from ignored files using a array of glob patterns
forceCoverageMatch: [],
// It suggests the route to a module which exports an async characteristic this is triggered as soon as earlier than all test suites
globalSetup: null,
// It shows the course of the module which exports an async function that is brought on as soon as after all test suites
globalTeardown: null,
// It suggests the set of world variables that are required to be available in all test environments
globals: {},
// It indicates an array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location
moduleDirectories: [
// This configuration shows the Jest testing framework to an array of regexp sample strings which might be matched against all modules earlier than the module loader will mechanically return a mock data for the test case
unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,
// This configuration shows the Jest testing framework whether or not each separate test cases should be reported during the executed test run
verbose: true,
// This configuration shows the Jest testing framework to an array of regexp patterns which might be matched against all source document paths before re-running tests in watch mode
watchPathIgnorePatterns: [],
// This configuration shows the Jest testing framework whether or not the watchman should be used for document crawling
watchman: true,
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