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Created September 22, 2016 22:54
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@Installing AppsInstalling NetHunter AppInstalling NetHunter TerminalInstalling NetHunter VNCInstalling cSploitInstalling OpenVPNInstalling Hacker's KeyboardInstalling RF AnalyzerInstalling ShodanInstalling USB KeyboardInstalling Router KeygenInstalling DriveDroidInstalling BusyboxFailed to install Busybox!Freeing up some space on /system@Running busybox installer...- Installing busybox...Installing NetHunter wallpaper- Found screen resolution: 1080x1920- NetHunter wallpaper applied successfullyInstalling NetHunter boot animationCopying nano highlights to /system/etc/nanoCopying terminfo files to /system/etc/terminfoCopying 32-bit shared libraries to /system/libInstalling /system/bin binariesInstalling init.d scripts@Symlinking Kali boot scripts@Running kernel installer...################################################## NetHunter Kernel Installer Kernel: NetHunter kernel Version: 1.3 Author: Binkybear##################################################Checking device compatibility...Installing busybox applets to /sbinFreeing up some space on /systemCopying firmware to /system/etc/firmwareCopying 32-bit shared libraries to /system/libInstalling /system/xbin binariesRunning boot image patcher...- Found boot partition at: /dev/block/sde18- Dumping & unpacking original boot image...- Detected ramdisk compression format: gzip- Running ramdisk patching scripts...- Executing: 01-ramdisk-patch-- Patching the ramdisk for NetHunter & init.d...- Executing: 02-supersu-- Patching the sepolicy for SuperSU...- Executing: 03-no-verity-opt-encrypt-- Disabling dm-verity & forced encryption...-- Found fstab: fstab.qcom- Building new ramdisk...- Found replacement kernel Image.gz-dtb!- Found replacement ramdisk image!- Backing up original boot image to /data/local/boot-backup.img...- Writing new boot image to memory...Boot image patching complete@Running Kali chroot installer...- Found Kali chroot to be installed: /tmp/nethunter/kalifs-full.tar.xz- Removing previous chroot...- Extracting Kali rootfs, this may take up to 25 minutes...- Kali chroot installed successfully!************************************************* Kali NetHunter is now installed! ** Don't forget to start the NetHunter app ** to finish setting everything up! *************************************************Done processing script file
Installing Kali Linux Nethunter DONE!
Rebooting into Kali Linux Nethunter
Everything is installed. Phone should be booting up! Enjoy
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