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End-to-End Testing with Auth0 Guide -- Reference RWA branch

End-to-End Testing with Auth0

This guide demonstrates testing an application authenticated by Auth0.

The Cypress Real World App is used and provides configuration and runnable code for both the React SPA and the Express backend.

The frontend uses the auth0-react SDK for React Single Page Applications (SPA), which uses the auth0-spa-js SDK underneath. The backend uses express-jwt to validate JWT's against auth0.

Below is a detailed explanation of adapting the Cypress Real World App, configure Auth0 and create a Cypress command to authenticate users against an Auth0 User Store.

Note: This guide is setup for testing against an Auth0 Single Page Application using the Classic Universal Login Experience. This configuration is recommended for a "Test Tenant" and/or "Test API" setup for automated/end-to-end testing.

Configure Auth0 Application for Testing with Cypress

Navigate to the Auth0 Dashboard, click the Create Application button, give your application a name and select Single Page Application.

Once created, visit the Application Settings tab under your application.

Add your local development URL and port, for example, http://localhost:3000, under the following sections:

  • Allowed Callback URLs
  • Allowed Logout URLs
  • Allowed Web Origins
  • Allowed Origins (CORS)

Click on Application Settings at the bottom of the page to access Show Advanced Settings. Click Grant Types. Check Password.

Next, navigate to Tenant Settings.

On the General tab, scroll to the API Authorization Settings

  • Set Default Audience to the Audience URL for the Application you are testing (e.g.
  • Set Default Directory to “Username-Password-Authentication"

Refer to the Auth0 Tenant Settings documentation for additional details.

Real World App Application Configuration

With our Auth0 application and tenant setup, we need to add environment variables to our Cypress Real World App .env or a .env.local with the values from our Auth0 application and for our test user.

// .env or .env.local
REACT_APP_AUTH0_SCOPE="openid email profile"

Adapting the Real World App Backend

In order to validate API requests from the frontend, we install express-jwt and jwks-rsa and configure validation for JWT's from Auth0.

import jwt from "express-jwt";
import jwksRsa from "jwks-rsa";

dotenv.config({ path: ".env.local" });

const auth0JwtConfig = {
  secret: jwksRsa.expressJwtSecret({
    cache: true,
    rateLimit: true,
    jwksRequestsPerMinute: 5,
    jwksUri: `https://${process.env.REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN}/.well-known/jwks.json`,

  // Validate the audience and the issuer.
  audience: process.env.REACT_APP_AUTH0_AUDIENCE,
  issuer: `https://${process.env.REACT_APP_AUTH0_DOMAIN}/`,
  algorithms: ["RS256"],

export const checkJwt = jwt(auth0JwtConfig).unless({ path: ["/testData/*"] })

Once this helper is defined, we can use globally to apply to all routes:

// backend/app.ts
// initial imports ...
import { checkJwt } from "./helpers"

// ... 

if (process.env.REACT_APP_AUTH0) {

// routes ...

Adapting the Real World App Frontend

We need to update our frontend React app to allow for authentication with Auth0. As mentioned above, the auth0-react SDK for React Single Page Applications (SPA) is used.

First, we create a AppAuth0.tsx container to render our application as it is authenticated with Auth0. The component is identical to the App.tsx component, but uses the useAuth0 React Hook, removes the need for the Sign Up and Sign In routes and wraps the component with the withAuthenticationRequired higher order function (HOC).

A useEffect hook is added to get the access token for the authenticated user and send an AUTH0 event with the user and token objects to work with the existing authentication layer (authMachine.ts).

// src/containers/AppAuth0.tsx

// initial imports ...

import { withAuthenticationRequired, useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react";

// ...

const AppAuth0 = () => {
  const { isAuthenticated, user, getAccessTokenSilently } = useAuth0();

  // ...

  useEffect(() => {
      (async function waitForToken() {
        const token = await getAccessTokenSilently();
        authService.send("AUTH0", { user, token });
    }, [user, getAccessTokenSilently]);

  // ...

  const isLoggedIn =
    isAuthenticated &&
    (authState.matches("authorized") ||
      authState.matches("refreshing") ||

  return (
    <div className={classes.root}>
      // ...

export default withAuthenticationRequired(AppAuth0);

Note: The full AppAuth0.tsx component is in the Cypress Real World App.

Next, we update our entry point (index.tsx) to wrap our application with the <Auth0Provider> from the auth0-react SDK providing a custom onRedirectCallback. We pass props for the Auth0 environment variables set in .env above, and render our <AppAuth0> component as the application.

// src/index.tsx

// initial imports ...

import AppAuth0 from "./containers/AppAuth0";

// ..

const onRedirectCallback = (appState: any) => {
  history.replace((appState && appState.returnTo) || window.location.pathname);

if (process.env.REACT_APP_AUTH0) {
      <Router history={history}>
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
          <AppAuth0 />
} else {
  // render passport-local App.tsx

Cypress Setup for Testing Auth0

Below is a command to programmatically login into Auth0 and set an item in LocalStorage which our application can use to verify we are authenticated under test.

// cypress/support/commands.js
cy.log(`Logging in as ${username}`);
  const client_id = Cypress.env("auth0_client_id");
  const client_secret = Cypress.env("auth0_client_secret");
  const audience = Cypress.env("auth0_audience");
  const scope = Cypress.env("auth0_scope");

    method: "POST",
    url: `https://${Cypress.env("auth0_domain")}/oauth/token`,
    body: {
      grant_type: "password",
  }).then(({ body }) => {
    const claims = jwt.decode(body.id_token);
    const { nickname, name, picture, updated_at, email, email_verified, sub, exp } = claims;

    const item = {
      body: {
        decodedToken: {
          user: {
      expiresAt: exp,

    window.localStorage.setItem('auth0Cypress', JSON.stringify(item));


An update to our AppAuth0.tsx component is needed to conditionally use the auth0Cypress localStorage item.

In the code below, we conditionally apply a useEffect block based on being under test with Cypress (using window.Cypress).

In addition, we will update the export to be wrapped with withAuthenticationRequired if we are not under test in Cypress. This allows our application to work with the Auth0 redirect login flow in development/production but not when under test in Cypress.

// src/containers/AppAuth0.tsx

// initial imports ...

import { withAuthenticationRequired, useAuth0 } from "@auth0/auth0-react";

// ...

const AppAuth0 = () => {
  const { isAuthenticated, user, getAccessTokenSilently } = useAuth0();

  // ...

  useEffect(() => {
      (async function waitForToken() {
        const token = await getAccessTokenSilently();
        authService.send("AUTH0", { user, token });
    }, [user, getAccessTokenSilently]);

  // If under test in Cypress, get credentials from "auth0Cypress" localstorage item and send event to our state management to log the user into the SPA
  if (window.Cypress) {
    useEffect(() => {
      const auth0 = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("auth0Cypress")!);
      authService.send("AUTH0", {
        user: auth0.body.decodedToken.user,
        token: auth0.body.access_token,
    }, []);
  } else {
    useEffect(() => {
      (async function waitForToken() {
        const token = await getAccessTokenSilently();
        authService.send("AUTH0", { user, token });
    }, [isAuthenticated, user, getAccessTokenSilently]);

  // ...

  const isLoggedIn =
    isAuthenticated &&
    (authState.matches("authorized") ||
      authState.matches("refreshing") ||

  return (
    <div className={classes.root}>
      // ...

// Conditional export wrapped with `withAuthenticationRequired` if we are not under test in Cypress.
let appAuth0 = window.Cypress ? AppAuth0 : withAuthenticationRequired(AppAuth0);
export default appAuth0

Below is our test to login as a user via Auth0, complete the onboarding process and logout.

Note: The runnable version of this test is in the Cypress Real World App.

import { isMobile } from "../../support/utils";

describe("Auth0", function () {
  beforeEach(function () {

    cy.route("POST", "/bankAccounts").as("createBankAccount");

    cy.loginByAuth0Api(Cypress.env("auth0_username"), Cypress.env("auth0_password"));

  it("should allow a visitor to login, onboard and logout", function () {
    cy.contains("Get Started").should("be.visible");

    // Onboarding

    cy.getBySel("user-onboarding-dialog-title").should("contain", "Create Bank Account");

    cy.getBySelLike("bankName-input").type("The Best Bank");


    cy.getBySel("user-onboarding-dialog-title").should("contain", "Finished");
    cy.getBySel("user-onboarding-dialog-content").should("contain", "You're all set!");


    // Logout User
    if (isMobile()) {

    cy.location("pathname").should("eq", "/");

  it("shows onboarding", function () {
    cy.contains("Get Started").should("be.visible");

Auth0 Rate Limiting Logins

Be aware of the rate limit statement in the Auth0 documentation:

Note: Auth0 Rate Limit - "If a user attempts to login 20 times per minute as the same user from the same location, regardless of having the correct credentials, the rate limit will come into effect. When this happens, the user can make 10 attempts per minute."

This limit can be reached as the size of a test suite grows along with enabling parallelized runs to speed up test run duration.

If you run into this rate limit, a programmatic approach can be added to the loginByAuth0 command to clear a blocked IP prior to the test run.

Next you'll need to obtain a [API token][auth0mgmtapitoken] to interact with the Auth0 Management API. This token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) and it contains specific granted permissions for the API.

Add this token as environment variable AUTH0_MGMT_API_TOKEN to our Cypress Real World App .env or a .env.local with your API token.

// .env or .env.local
// ... additional keys

With this token in place, we can add interaction with the Auth0 Anomaly remove the blocked IP address endpoint to our loginByAuth0Api command. This will send a delete request to Auth0 Management API anomaly endpoint to unblock an IP that may become blocked during the test run.

Cypress.Commands.add("loginByAuth0", (username, password) => {
  Useful when rate limited by Auth0
  cy.exec("curl -4")
    .then((ip) => {
        method: "DELETE",
        url: `https://${Cypress.env("auth0_domain")}/api/v2/anomaly/blocks/ips/${ip}`,
        auth: {
          bearer: Cypress.env("auth0_mgmt_api_token"),

  // ... remaining loginByAuth0Api command

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kevinold commented Aug 27, 2020

Updated 8/27/2020 to offer programmatic auth0 login instead of UI based. Reference this branch for working implementation:

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