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Created August 19, 2011 17:51
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Save kevinpfromnm/1157477 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
dryml tag wrapping for jquery accordion widget
<!-- Expects a hash: with keys for the accordion divisions -> values an option list appropriate for tag
default tag is select-one-radio for belongs_to and check-many for other contexts
example usage: <hjq-accordion options="&Location.all.group_by(&:country)" /> provides an accordion with
check-many checkboxes grouped by country name if the context is a has_many :locations, :through ... type
of association.
<def tag="hjq-accordion" attrs="id, options, tag"><%
id ||= "accordion"
tag ||= if (refl = this_field_reflection)
if refl.macro == :belongs_to
end -%>>
jQuery(function() {
jQuery( "#<%= id %>" ).accordion();
<div id="#{id}">
<% for option in options.keys do -%>
<h3 param="accordion-heading"><a href="#"><%= option %></a></h3>
<call-tag tag="&tag" param="#{option}.sub(&apos;?&apos;, &apos;&apos;).sub(&apos;.&apos;, &apos;-&apos;)}-tag" options="&options[option]" selected="this" merge />
<% end -%>
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