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Created August 25, 2016 14:17
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8/25 Student Insights memory
$ bundle exec derailed bundle:mem
TOP: 43.7344 MiB
rails/all: 15.9414 MiB
active_record/railtie: 7.4727 MiB
active_record: 6.2617 MiB (Also required by: orm_adapter/adapters/active_record)
arel: 3.6094 MiB (Also required by: active_record/base)
arel/nodes: 1.375 MiB
arel/visitors: 1.2969 MiB
arel/visitors/to_sql: 0.5234 MiB
active_record/connection_adapters/abstract_adapter: 1.2148 MiB
active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/schema_statements: 0.3594 MiB
active_record/attribute_methods: 0.5117 MiB
action_controller/railtie: 1.1445 MiB (Also required by: rails/all, sprockets/railtie)
action_controller: 0.9297 MiB (Also required by: responders)
action_controller/metal/live: 0.4414 MiB
action_controller/metal/strong_parameters: 0.3008 MiB
rails: 5.7305 MiB (Also required by: active_record/railtie, active_model/railtie, and 10 others)
rails/application: 3.4648 MiB
rails/engine: 3.207 MiB
rails/railtie: 3.0078 MiB (Also required by: global_id/railtie, sprockets/railtie, and 2 others)
rails/configuration: 2.7852 MiB (Also required by: rails/railtie/configuration)
active_support/core_ext/object: 2.5703 MiB
active_support/core_ext/object/conversions: 1.3945 MiB
active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions: 1.1523 MiB (Also required by: active_model/serializers/xml, active_record/serializers/xml_serializer)
active_support/time: 1.0 MiB (Also required by: active_record/base)
active_support/core_ext/time: 0.4961 MiB
active_support/core_ext/time/calculations: 0.3984 MiB (Also required by: active_support/core_ext/numeric/time, active_support/core_ext/string/conversions)
active_support/core_ext/object/json: 0.8672 MiB (Also required by: active_support/json/encoding)
json: 0.6563 MiB (Also required by: active_support/json/decoding, execjs/duktape_runtime, and 3 others)
json/common: 0.3867 MiB (Also required by: json/ext)
action_dispatch/railtie: 1.0313 MiB (Also required by: action_controller/railtie)
action_dispatch: 0.957 MiB (Also required by: action_controller)
rack: 0.6055 MiB (Also required by: rack/test, unicorn)
rack/utils: 0.5195 MiB (Also required by: rack/request, rack/response)
active_support: 0.6836 MiB (Also required by: active_support/railtie, active_support/i18n_railtie, and 7 others)
active_support/dependencies/autoload: 0.4688 MiB (Also required by: rails, active_support/rails)
active_support/inflector/methods: 0.4609 MiB (Also required by: active_support/deprecation/proxy_wrappers, active_support/core_ext/string/inflections, and 4 others)
active_support/inflections: 0.4023 MiB (Also required by: active_support/inflector)
active_support/inflector/inflections: 0.4023 MiB (Also required by: active_support/inflector)
sprockets/railtie: 2.5859 MiB (Also required by: sass/rails/railtie, administrate/engine)
sprockets/rails/helper: 2.4297 MiB
action_view/helpers: 2.4297 MiB
action_view/helpers/form_helper: 1.9844 MiB (Also required by: action_view/helpers/form_options_helper)
action_view/helpers/form_tag_helper: 1.8047 MiB
action_view/helpers/text_helper: 1.6133 MiB
action_view/helpers/sanitize_helper: 1.5352 MiB
rails-html-sanitizer: 1.5156 MiB
loofah: 1.4609 MiB
nokogiri: 1.2461 MiB
nokogiri/xml: 0.4219 MiB
nokogiri/html: 0.3398 MiB
administrate: 8.207 MiB
administrate/engine: 8.1992 MiB
neat: 3.3984 MiB
sass: 3.082 MiB (Also required by: sass/rails/helpers, sprockets/sass_functions, and 6 others)
sass/engine: 2.7656 MiB
sass/scss: 0.6406 MiB
sass/scss/parser: 0.3281 MiB
sass/script: 0.4844 MiB (Also required by: sass/script/css_parser)
action_dispatch/routing/route_set: 3.1914 MiB
action_dispatch/journey: 1.5313 MiB
action_dispatch/journey/router: 1.0313 MiB
action_dispatch/journey/parser: 0.3906 MiB
action_dispatch/journey/parser_extras: 0.3008 MiB
action_dispatch/http/request: 0.9023 MiB (Also required by: action_dispatch/routing/redirection)
sass-rails: 0.5898 MiB (Also required by: TOP)
sass/rails: 0.5781 MiB
kaminari: 0.332 MiB
devise: 4.4336 MiB (Also required by: devise_ldap_authenticatable)
devise/rails: 1.2539 MiB
devise/rails/routes: 1.1719 MiB
action_dispatch/routing/mapper: 0.9648 MiB
warden: 0.7188 MiB
active_support/dependencies: 0.5508 MiB (Also required by: active_record/base)
draper: 3.2461 MiB
draper/collection_decorator: 1.4883 MiB
devise_ldap_authenticatable: 2.4219 MiB
devise_ldap_authenticatable/ldap/adapter: 2.0547 MiB
net/ldap: 2.0078 MiB
net/ber: 0.4414 MiB
net/ber/core_ext: 0.3398 MiB
net/ldap/connection: 0.3867 MiB
friendly_id: 2.3359 MiB
active_record/base: 2.2344 MiB
active_record/validations: 0.418 MiB
active_model/validations: 0.3281 MiB
pg: 2.0352 MiB
pg_ext: 1.8789 MiB
net/sftp: 1.9648 MiB
net/ssh: 1.4805 MiB (Also required by: net/sftp/session, TOP)
net/ssh/transport/session: 0.8672 MiB
net/ssh/transport/algorithms: 0.5273 MiB
net/ssh/authentication/session: 0.3047 MiB
net/sftp/session: 0.4688 MiB
selenium-webdriver: 1.6211 MiB
selenium/webdriver: 1.6211 MiB
selenium/webdriver/common: 1.582 MiB
selenium/webdriver/common/zipper: 0.9102 MiB
zip: 0.8711 MiB
unicorn: 0.5117 MiB
react-rails: 0.4258 MiB
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