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Use the signatures declared in the Seurat tutorial to identify the proportion of each cluster positive for each signature.
title: "Proportion of cells matching signatures"
author: "Kevin Rue-Albrecht"
date: "25/11/2018"
output: html_document
chunk_output_type: console
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
Load the preprocessed SingleCellExperiment object of 10x PBMC 3k
bfc <- BiocFileCache()
rpath <- subset(bfcinfo(bfc), rname == "sce_pbmc3k", "rpath", drop=TRUE)
sce <- readRDS(rpath)
Define the signatures used in the tutorial
markers <- list(
"CD4 T cells" = c("IL7R"),
"CD14+ Monocytes" = c("CD14", "LYZ"),
"B cells" = c("MS4A1"),
"CD8 T cells" = c("CD8A"),
"FCGR3A+ Monocytes" = c("FCGR3A", "MS4A7"),
"NK cells" = c("GNLY", "NKG7"),
"Dendritic Cells" = c("FCER1A", "CST3"),
"Megakaryocytes" = c("PPBP")
Identify the complete list of markers used across all signatures above.
Act as if the markers above could be overlapping, even though they're not.
markers_unique <- unique(unlist(markers))
stopifnot(all(markers_unique %in% rownames(sce)))
Identify the cells positive for each marker
isGeneDetected <- function(gene, sce, threshold=0, assay="counts") {
cellsDetected <- assay(sce, assay)[gene, ] > threshold
makeMarkerDetectionMatrix <- function(sce, markers, threshold=0, assay="counts") {
detectedMarkers <- matrix(
nrow=ncol(sce), ncol=length(markers),
dimnames=list(colnames(sce), markers))
for (gene in markers) {
detectedMarkers[, gene] <- isGeneDetected(gene, sce, threshold, assay)
markerDetectionMatrix <- makeMarkerDetectionMatrix(sce, markers_unique)
Use filter rules to identify cells matching each signature
filts <- lapply(
function(x){ parse(text=paste(markers[[x]], collapse="&")) }
names(filts) <- names(markers)
filters <- FilterRules(filts)
es <- evalSeparately(filters,
Tabulate the proportion of cells displaying each signature in each cluster
proportionSignatureByCluster <- matrix(
nrow=nlevels(sce$ident), ncol=length(filts),
dimnames=list(levels(sce$ident), names(filts)))
numberCellsInCluster <- table(colData(sce)[, "ident"])
for (cellTypeName in names(filts)) {
countSignatureInCluster <- table(colData(sce)[, "ident"], es[, cellTypeName])[, "TRUE"]
proportionSignatureByCluster[, cellTypeName] <- countSignatureInCluster / numberCellsInCluster
kable(proportionSignatureByCluster * 100, digits = 1)
Visualize the result as a heat map.
See how the diagonal (displaying the tutorial annotations) shows high proportions of cells matching the annotated signature.
colnames(proportionSignatureByCluster) <- paste(
lapply(markers, paste, collapse = ","),
Heatmap(matrix = t(proportionSignatureByCluster), cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE)
Let signatures and clusters of cells cluster in the heat map.
Unsurprisingly, the clusters annotated as "CD14+ Monocytes" and "FCGR3A+ Monocytes" show some similarity, as do the clusters annotated as "CD4 T cells" and "CD8 T cells".
Heatmap(matrix = t(proportionSignatureByCluster))
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