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Last active June 12, 2024 13:28
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Tool Script to Create a CollisionPolygon2D from a child Sprite2D in Godot 4
# Tool to regenerate CollisionPolygon2D nodes from a sprite node
# when the scenes is loaded, when the editor regains focus, or
# when the "Recalculate Geometry" checkbox is clicked in the inspector.
extends Node2D
@export var recalculate_geometry : bool :
func _create_polygon2d_from_sprite2d():
# Find First StaticBody2D Child
var static_body = find_children("*", "StaticBody2D")[0]
# Destroy Existing Collision Polygons
for node in static_body.find_children("*", "CollisionPolygon2D"):
# Generate Bitmap from Sprite2D
var sprite = $Sprite2D
var image = sprite.texture.get_image()
var bitmap =
# Create Collision Polygon from Opaque Pixels
var polys = bitmap.opaque_to_polygons(Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, image.get_size()), 0.0)
for poly in polys:
var collision_polygon =
collision_polygon.polygon = poly
collision_polygon.position -= sprite.texture.get_size() / 2
# This is the same as above but it also adds reloading the collision
# polygons on scene load and when the editor window is focussed.
# It also accounts for convex shapes (shapes with holes in the middle)
# by splitting the sprite down the center and generating one group of
# polygons for the left side of the sprite and another for the right.
extends Node2D
@export var recalculate_geometry : bool :
@onready var sprite = $Sprite2D
func _ready():
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
if sprite:
sprite.connect("texture_changed", _handle_texture_change)
if sprite.texture:
sprite.texture.connect("changed", _create_polygon2d_from_sprite2d)
func _handle_texture_change():
if sprite.texture && !sprite.texture.is_connected("changed", _create_polygon2d_from_sprite2d):
sprite.texture.connect("changed", _create_polygon2d_from_sprite2d)
func _create_polygon2d_from_sprite2d():
# Find First StaticBody2D Child
var static_body
var static_bodies = find_children("*", "StaticBody2D")
if static_bodies.size() > 0:
static_body = static_bodies[0]
# Destroy Existing Collision Polygons
for node in static_body.find_children("*", "CollisionPolygon2D"):
if sprite.texture:
# Generate Bitmap from Sprite2D
var sprite = $Sprite2D
var image = sprite.texture.get_image()
var bitmap =
var polys = bitmap.opaque_to_polygons(Rect2(Vector2.ZERO, Vector2(image.get_width()/2,image.get_height())), 0.0)
_add_collision_polygons_to_static_body(polys,static_body,sprite.texture.get_size() / 2)
polys = bitmap.opaque_to_polygons(Rect2(Vector2(image.get_width()/2, 0), Vector2(image.get_width(),image.get_height())), 0.0)
_add_collision_polygons_to_static_body(polys,static_body,Vector2(0, sprite.texture.get_height() / 2))
func _add_collision_polygons_to_static_body(polys: Array[PackedVector2Array], static_body: StaticBody2D, offset: Vector2):
for poly in polys:
var collision_polygon =
collision_polygon.polygon = poly
collision_polygon.position -= offset
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