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Created September 22, 2008 15:10
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> wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::ContainerNode::attach() Line 652 + 0xa bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Element::attach() Line 719 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange change=NoChange) Line 761 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange change=NoChange) Line 822 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange change=NoChange) Line 822 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Element::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange change=NoChange) Line 822 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Document::recalcStyle(WebCore::Node::StyleChange change=NoChange) Line 1140 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Document::updateRendering() Line 1168 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Document::updateLayout() Line 1196 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Document::updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets() Line 1231 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::Element::offsetHeight() Line 360 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::JSElement::getValueProperty(KJS::ExecState * exec=0x0012ee90, int token=5) Line 195 + 0x8 bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!KJS::staticValueGetter<WebCore::JSElement>(KJS::ExecState * exec=0x0012ee90, const KJS::Identifier & __formal={...}, const KJS::PropertySlot & slot={...}) Line 117 + 0xe bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!KJS::PropertySlot::getValue(KJS::ExecState * exec=0x0012ee90, const KJS::Identifier & propertyName={...}) Line 60 + 0xb bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!KJS::JSValue::get(KJS::ExecState * exec=0x0012ee90, const KJS::Identifier & propertyName={...}) Line 333 + 0x2e bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!KJS::Machine::privateExecute(KJS::Machine::ExecutionFlag flag=-2, KJS::ExecState * exec=0x0012ee90, KJS::RegisterFile * registerFile=0x06051db4, KJS::Register * r=0x0a430180, KJS::ScopeChainNode * scopeChain=0x08316ca0, KJS::CodeBlock * codeBlock=0x0472e340, KJS::JSValue * * exception=0x0012eef8) Line 1926 C++
wxwebkit.dll!KJS::Machine::execute(KJS::ProgramNode * programNode=0x05ac47c0, KJS::ExecState * exec=0x07be6538, KJS::ScopeChainNode * scopeChain=0x08316ca0, KJS::JSObject * thisObj=0x00000002, KJS::JSValue * * exception=0x0012eef8) Line 791 C++
wxwebkit.dll!KJS::Interpreter::evaluate(KJS::ExecState * exec=0x07580000, KJS::ScopeChain & scopeChain={...}, const KJS::UString & sourceURL={...}, int startingLineNumber=1, WTF::PassRefPtr<KJS::SourceProvider> source={...}, KJS::JSValue * thisValue=0x07580000) Line 80 C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::ScriptController::evaluate(const WebCore::String & sourceURL={...}, int baseLine=1, const WebCore::String & str={...}) Line 112 + 0x4b bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::executeScript(const WebCore::String & url={...}, int baseLine=1, const WebCore::String & script={...}) Line 787 + 0x29 bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!WebCore::FrameLoader::executeScript(const WebCore::String & script={...}, bool forceUserGesture=false) Line 776 + 0x28 bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!wxWebFrame::RunScript(const wxString & javascript={...}) Line 184 + 0x24 bytes C++
wxwebkit.dll!wxWebView::RunScript(const wxString & javascript={...}) Line 323 + 0xb bytes C++
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for wx._webview.pyd]
python25.dll!PyCFunction_Call(_object * func=0x05e05b98, _object * arg=0x07e842d8, _object * kw=0x00000000) Line 73 + 0x8 bytes C
python25.dll!call_function(_object * * * pp_stack=0x0012f080, int oparg=0) Line 3595 + 0x9a bytes C
python25.dll!PyEval_EvalFrameEx(_frame * f=, int throwflag=) Line 2297 C
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