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Last active January 29, 2020 07:38
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N*N Sudoku solver
read -d '' Program <<EOF
% Prolog Sudoku Solver (C) 2007 Markus Triska (
% Modified by Yunfan Yang.
% Public domain code.
% We need this module to use some of the constraint programming extensions to Prolog
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
% Pss is a list of lists representing the game board.
sudoku(Pss, Dimension) :-
length(Pss, L),
flatten(Pss, Ps), %breaks down inner structure
K is Dimension^2,
Ps ins 1..K, %checks if in range
maplist(all_distinct, Pss), % finding if all values are unique in each row
columns(Pss, L), % finding if all values are unique in each column
blocks(Pss, Dimension), % finding if all values are unique in each block
% rowN gets the Nth element in row
rowN([_|T],I,X) :-
I1 is I-1,
% columnN gets the Nth column
columnN([H|T], I, [R|X]):-
rowN(H, I, R),
columnN(T, I, X).
% check whether columns have distinct numbers
columns(_, 0).
columns(A, N) :-
columnN(A, N, X),
K is N - 1,
columns(A, K).
% split array into N parts
part([], _, []).
part(L, N, [DL|DLTail]) :-
length(DL, N),
append(DL, LTail, L),
part(LTail, N, DLTail).
% check whether blocks have distinct numbers
blocks(A, Dimension) :-
part(A, Dimension, NX),
check(NX, Dimension, X),
maplist(all_distinct, X).
% get and concatenate N row blocks
check([], _, []).
check([Head|Tail], Dimension, F) :-
append(NX, X, F),
vertical(Head, Dimension, 1, NX),
check(Tail, Dimension, X).
% get and concatenate N column blocks
vertical(_, Dimension, I, []) :-
I > Dimension * Dimension, !.
vertical(A, Dimension, I, X) :-
s(A, 0, I, Dimension, NX),
append([NX], F, X),
Next is I + Dimension,
vertical(A, Dimension, Next, F).
% slice into N * N dimension blocks
s(_, Dimension, _, Dimension, []).
s(A, C, I, Dimension, X) :-
Index is I + C,
columnN(A, Index, NX),
append(NX, Base, X),
Next is C + 1,
s(A, Next, I, Dimension, Base).
problem(1, [[_,_,5, _,_,7, _,_,2],
[_,7,_, _,8,_, _,4,_],
[8,_,_, 1,_,_, 3,_,_],
[6,_,_, 9,_,_, 5,_,_],
[_,9,_, _,3,_, _,8,_],
[_,_,3, _,_,8, _,_,6],
[_,_,4, _,_,1, _,_,8],
[_,3,_, _,5,_, _,7,_],
[1,_,_, 3,_,_, 6,_,_]]).
problem(2, [[23,_,_,_,7,_,_,1,_,_,2,14,_,_,13,20,_,_,_,6,_,11,16,15,17],
:- problem(2, Rows), sudoku(Rows, 5), maplist(writeln, Rows), halt.
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swipl --quiet -s <(echo "$Program") <<EOF
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