- Get develop branch of sage.
git clone https://github.com/sagemath/sage
cd ~/sage
git checkout develop
- Build sage.
cd ~/sage
export MAKE='make -j 48'
nice -n 19 make build
Go here to make an account: https://trac.sagemath.org/ . (At some point, the password here is stored as plain text on your local machine...)
The sage people made a cool tool (https://github.com/sagemath/git-trac-command) to help interact with the sage trac servers!
Setup trac command
git clone https://github.com/sagemath/git-trac-command
cd ~/git-trac-command
python setup.py install --user
- Authenticate with user/token
cd ~/sage
git trac config --user USERNAME --token <TOEKN FROM TRAC>
- Authenticate with ssh keys
- make the key-pair
ssh-keygen # follow the prompts
- Show the public key
cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub
- copy this over to the trac.sagemath.org in your account settings
- Hit the new ticket button.
- Fill things in!
cd ~/sage
git trac checkout <ticket number>
- Do some edits.
git add <file>
to tell git to track these edits.- Run some tests
git commit -m "<one line description>"
to make a commit.git trac push
to send to the trac server.- Edit the ticket appropriately.