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Created March 27, 2019 18:02
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open System
open FSharp.Reflection
open FSharp.Quotations
open System.Reflection
let inline poo2 (a : 'a) : 'b = (^a : (member Crap : unit -> 'b) a)
let inline poo (a : 'a) : 'b = failwith ""
let rec matchTypes mappings t1 t2 =
let (|GenericArgs|) (t : Type) =
if t.IsGenericType then
let (|IsGenericParam|) (t : Type) = t.IsGenericParameter
if t1 = t2 then
match t1, t2 with
| IsGenericParam true, _ -> (t1,t2) :: mappings
| GenericArgs a1, GenericArgs a2 ->
||> Array.map2 (matchTypes mappings)
|> List.ofArray
|> List.concat
|> List.append mappings
|> List.distinct
| _ -> failwith "wtf"
let typeArgs (minfo : MethodInfo) =
let mdef = minfo.GetGenericMethodDefinition()
let ps1 = mdef.GetParameters()
let ps2 = minfo.GetParameters()
matchTypes [] ps1.[0].ParameterType ps2.[0].ParameterType
let rec extractCall e =
match e with
| Patterns.Lambda(_,body) -> extractCall body
| Patterns.Call(_o,minfo,_args) -> minfo
| _ -> failwithf "Expression not of expected form %A" e
let rec funcTypes args t =
if FSharpType.IsFunction t then
let d,r = FSharpType.GetFunctionElements(t)
funcTypes (d :: args) r
(args |> List.rev |> List.toArray), t
let inline strip (a : Expr<'a>) : Expr<'b> =
let mi = extractCall a
if mi.IsGenericMethod then
let mdef = mi.GetGenericMethodDefinition()
let ins,out = funcTypes [] typeof<'b>
let typeMap =
yield! (mdef.GetParameters() |> (fun x -> x.ParameterType), ins) ||> Array.map2 (matchTypes []) |> Seq.concat
yield! matchTypes [] mdef.ReturnType out
|> List.distinct
let targs =
(fun a ->
typeMap |> List.find (fun (b,_) -> a = b) |> snd
let newMi = mdef.MakeGenericMethod(targs)
let vars = ins |> Array.mapi (fun i x -> Var("v" + string i, x))
let call = Expr.Call(newMi, vars |> Expr.Var |> Array.toList)
let expr = (vars,call) ||> Array.foldBack (fun v b -> Expr.Lambda(v,b))
<@ %%(expr) : 'b @>
failwith "expecting generic method"
funcTypes [] (typeof<int -> string []>)
let mi = extractCall <@poo@>
let mdef = mi.GetGenericMethodDefinition()
type Shit = Shit with
member x.Crap() = ""
let poo3 : Expr<int -> string> = strip <@poo2 Shit@>
extractCall poo3
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