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Created March 27, 2018 20:14
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open System
type Temp(d,fmt,build) =
member val Build = build with get,set
member x.Dictionary : System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, obj> = d
member x.Formatters : ResizeArray<obj -> string option> = fmt
member x.Content() = x.Build x
new() = Temp(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, obj>(), ResizeArray(), fun _ -> Some "")
new(f) = Temp(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, obj>(), ResizeArray(), f)
new(str) = Temp(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, obj>(), ResizeArray(), fun _ -> Some str)
member x.Duplicate() = Temp(System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(x.Dictionary), ResizeArray(x.Formatters), x.Build)
member x.TryGet(name) =
let scc,v = x.Dictionary.TryGetValue(name)
if scc then Some v else None
member x.Format(o : obj) =
match x.Formatters |> Seq.tryPick (fun f -> f o) with
| Some v -> v
| None ->
match o with
| :? string as str -> str
| :? Temp as cc ->
let cc =
if x.Dictionary.Count > 0 then
let cc = cc.Duplicate()
for kvp in x.Dictionary do
if cc.Dictionary.ContainsKey(kvp.Key) |> not then
cc.Dictionary.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)
match cc.Content() with | Some v -> v | None -> ""
| x -> x.ToString()
member x.GetString(name) = x.TryGet(name) |> x.Format
member x.GetTemplate(name) = x.TryGet(name) |> x.Format
module TempOperators =
let (|Template|_|) name (cc : Temp) =
match cc.TryGet(name) with
| Some (:? Temp as x) -> Some x
| _ -> None
let (|AsString|_|) name (cc : Temp) =
match cc.TryGet(name) with
| Some (x) -> cc.Format x |> Some
| _ -> None
let (|AsStringOrDefault|) name def (cc : Temp) =
match cc.TryGet(name) with
| Some (x) -> cc.Format x
| _ -> def
let (|AsStringOrEmpty|) name (cc : Temp) =
match cc.TryGet(name) with
| Some (x) -> cc.Format x
| _ -> ""
let (|IsDefined|_|) name (cc : Temp) =
match cc.TryGet(name) with
| Some (x) -> Some ()
| _ -> None
let (|Element|_|) name (cc : Temp) = cc.TryGet(name)
let (|ValidTemplate|_|) name (cc : Temp) =
match cc.TryGet(name) with
| Some (:? Temp as x) when x.Content().IsSome -> Some x
| _ -> None
let (|TemplateContent|_|) name (cc : Temp) =
match cc.TryGet(name) with
| Some (:? Temp as x) ->
let c = x.Content()
if c.IsSome then Some c.Value else None
| _ -> None
let (|ContentOrEmpty|) (cc : Temp) =
match cc.Content() with
| Some v -> v
| _ -> ""
let (=>) (name : string) (value : #obj) = name,box value
let (!~) x =
let cc = Temp()
for (k,v) in x do cc.Dictionary.[k] <- v
module Temp =
open TempOperators
let define name value (cc:Temp) =
let cc = cc.Duplicate()
cc.Dictionary.[name] <- value
let defineAll kvps (cc : Temp) =
let cc = cc.Duplicate()
for (k,v) in kvps do
cc.Dictionary.[k] <- v
let addIgnore name value (cc : Temp) =
let cc = cc.Duplicate()
if cc.Dictionary.ContainsKey name then
cc.Dictionary.[name] <- value
let addIgnoreAll kvps (cc : Temp) =
let cc = cc.Duplicate()
for (k,v) in kvps do
if cc.Dictionary.ContainsKey k then
cc.Dictionary.[k] <- v
let toStringOrDefault def (cc : Temp) =
match cc.Content() with
| Some v -> v
| None -> def
let toString (cc : Temp) = toStringOrDefault "" cc
let toStringOption (cc : Temp) =
match cc.Content() with
| Some v -> Some v
| None -> None
let empty<'a> = Temp()
let text(txt : string) = Temp(txt)
let ofBuildOption (f : Temp -> string option) = Temp(f)
let ofBuild (f : Temp -> string) = Temp(f >> Some)
let withBuild (f : Temp -> string option) (cc:Temp) =
let cc = cc.Duplicate()
cc.Build <- f
let formatter fmt (cc : Temp) =
let cc = cc.Duplicate()
let onContent f (cc : Temp) =
let x = cc.Duplicate()
x.Build <- cc.Build >> f
let indent cc = onContent (fun str -> " " + str.Replace("\n", "\n ")) cc
let onMultiline f cc = onContent (fun str -> if str.Contains("\n") then f str else str) cc
let indentOnMultiline cc = onMultiline (fun str -> " " + str.Replace("\n", "\n ")) cc
let surround a b cc = onContent (fun str -> a + str + b) cc
let appendString str cc = onContent (fun x -> x + str) cc
let quote cc = surround "\"" "\"" cc
let singleQuote cc = surround "\'" "\'" cc
let angleBracket cc = surround "<" ">" cc
let roundBracket cc = surround "(" ")" cc
let curlyBrace cc = surround "{" "}" cc
let squareBracket cc = surround "[" "]" cc
let sepAll sep (cc : Temp list) =
let build (x : Temp) (cc : Temp) = cc |> addIgnoreAll(x.Dictionary |> kvp -> kvp.Key,kvp.Value)) |> toString
Temp(fun x -> cc |> (build x) |> String.concat sep |> Some)
let sep sep (cc : Temp list) =
let build (x : Temp) (cc : Temp) =
cc |> addIgnoreAll(x.Dictionary |> kvp -> kvp.Key,kvp.Value)) |> toStringOption
Temp(fun x -> cc |> List.choose (build x) |> String.concat sep |> Some)
let concat (cc : Temp list) = sep "" cc
let lines (cc : Temp list) = sep "\r\n" cc
let filterValid (l : Temp list) = l |> List.choose (fun x -> if x.Content().IsSome then Some x else None)
let replaceMarker name = ofBuild (function AsStringOrEmpty name x -> x)
let replaceMarkerAnd name f = ofBuild (function AsStringOrEmpty name x -> f x)
open TempOperators
let innert = Temp.text "asdf"
innert.Format innert
let t =
yield Temp.text "Hello "
yield Temp.ofBuild (function AsString "Name" x -> printfn "name : %A" x; x |> Temp.text |> Temp.quote |> Temp.toString | _ -> "")
yield Temp.replaceMarker "sd"
yield Temp.text "!"
|> Temp.concat
let do_ expr =
Temp.text "do"
(fun _ ->
|> Temp.onContent
(fun str ->
if str.Contains("\n") then
"\r\n" + str
else " " + str)
|> Temp.indentOnMultiline
|> Temp.toString)
] |> Temp.concat
let let_ name value =
name |> Temp.onContent (fun name -> "let " + name + " =")
(fun _ ->
|> Temp.onContent
(fun str ->
if str.Contains("\n") then
"\r\n" + str
else " " + str)
|> Temp.indentOnMultiline
|> Temp.toString)
] |> Temp.concat
let tuple items = items |> Temp.sep ", " |> Temp.roundBracket
let list items = items |> Temp.sep "; " |> Temp.squareBracket
let listMultiline items =
Temp.text "[ "
items |> Temp.sep "\r\n "
Temp.text " ]"
] |> Temp.concat
let array items = items |> Temp.sep "; " |> Temp.surround "[|" "|]"
let arrayMultiline items =
Temp.text "[| "
items |> Temp.sep "\r\n "
Temp.text " |]"
] |> Temp.concat
let call name args =
(fun t ->
let name = name |> Temp.toString
let args = args |> Temp.toString
if args.Length = 1 && args.[0].StartsWith "(" then
name + args.[0]
name + " " + (args |> String.concat " ")
let fun_ args body =
Temp.text "fun "
args |> Temp.sep " "
Temp.text " ->"
Temp.ofBuild(fun _ ->
|> Temp.onContent
(fun str ->
if str.Contains("\n") then
"\r\n" + str
else " " + str)
|> Temp.indentOnMultiline
|> Temp.toString
] |> Temp.concat
let callMethod instance name args =
let name =
Temp.text "."
] |> Temp.concat
call name args
let inline(!@) txt = txt |> string |> Temp.text
let inline (!&) lines = lines |> Temp.sep "\r\n"
let bracket x =
|> Temp.onContent
(fun str ->
if str.Contains("\n") then
"( " + str.Replace("\r\n","\r\n ") + " )"
else "(" + str + ")")
callMethod !@"crap" !@"poo" [tuple [!@1; !@2]] |> Temp.toString |> printfn "%s"
call !@"add" [!@1; !@2] |> Temp.toString
call !@"add" [tuple [!@1; !@2]] |> Temp.toString
let (!%) x = bracket x
!% !@ 1 |> Temp.toString
list [!@1; !@2; !@3; !@4] |> Temp.toString
listMultiline [!@1; !@2; !@3; !@4] |> Temp.toString |> printfn "%s"
array [!@1; !@2; !@3; !@4] |> Temp.toString
arrayMultiline [!@1; !@2; !@3; !@4] |> Temp.toString |> printfn "%s"
fun_ [!@"a"; !@"b"] !&[
let_ !@"a" !@12
let_ !@"b" !@13
do_ !@"printfn \"hi\""
let_ (tuple [!@"a"; !@"b"]) !@"1,2"
Temp.text "a + b"
|> bracket |> Temp.toString |> printfn "%s"
type ParseTemp =
| ParseText of string
| ParseBlock of ParseTemp list
let parseTempString s =
let chars = s |> Seq.toArray
let rec mainLoop i (text : Text.StringBuilder) acc =
if i >= chars.Length - 1 then
if text.Length = 0 then
acc |> List.rev
ParseText (text.ToString()) :: acc |> List.rev
if chars.[i] = '{' && chars.[i + 1] = '{' then
if chars.[i+2] = '{' then
text.Append("{{") |> ignore
mainLoop (i + 3) text acc
let block, i = blockLoop (i + 2) (Text.StringBuilder()) []
let txt = text.ToString() |> ParseText
text.Clear() |> ignore
mainLoop i text (block :: txt :: acc)
text.Append chars.[i] |> ignore
mainLoop (i + 1) text acc
and blockLoop i (block : Text.StringBuilder) acc =
if i >= chars.Length - 1 then
failwith "Unfinished block at the end of string"
if chars.[i] = '{' && chars.[i + 1] = '{' then
if chars.[i+2] = '{' then
block.Append("{{") |> ignore
blockLoop (i + 3) block acc
let block2, i = blockLoop (i + 2) (Text.StringBuilder()) []
let txt = block.ToString() |> ParseText
block.Clear() |> ignore
blockLoop i block (block2 :: txt :: acc)
elif chars.[i] = '}' && chars.[i + 1] = '}' then
if i + 2 = chars.Length || chars.[i+2] <> '}' then
let txt = block.ToString() |> ParseText
(txt :: acc |> List.rev |> ParseBlock), i + 2
block.Append("}}") |> ignore
blockLoop (i + 3) block acc
block.Append chars.[i] |> ignore
blockLoop (i + 1) block acc
mainLoop 0 (Text.StringBuilder()) []
let s = """fun {{args}} -> {{body}}"""
let rec parseBlockString = function ParseText txt -> txt | ParseBlock l -> l |> parseBlockString |> String.concat ""
parseTempString s
| ParseText txt -> txt |> Temp.text
| x -> parseBlockString x |> Temp.replaceMarker)
|> Temp.concat
|> Temp.define "args" !@"a b"
|> Temp.define "body" !@"a + b"
|> Temp.toString
|> printfn "%s"
let_ (Temp.text "crap") !&[
let_ !@"a" !@12
let_ !@"b" !@13
do_ !@"printfn \"hi\""
let_ (tuple [!@"a"; !@"b"]) !@"1,2"
Temp.text "a + b"
|> Temp.sep "\r\n"
|> Temp.toString
|> Temp.define "Name" "poo"
//|> Temp.define "sd" innert
|> Temp.toString
let q =
Temp.text "Crap "
Temp.ofBuild (function AsStringOrEmpty "Name" x -> x |> Temp.text |> Temp.quote |> Temp.toString )
Temp.text "?"
|> Temp.sep "\r\n"
|> Temp.indent
|> Temp.indent
|> Temp.define "Name" "POO"
|> Temp.toString
|> printfn "%s"
|> Temp.define "Name" "POO"
|> Temp.toString
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