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Last active September 6, 2018 22:30
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open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open System
type TypeTemplate() =
static member create ([<ReflectedDefinition(false)>] f : Expr<'a -> 'b>) : Type list -> ('a -> 'b) =
let rec extractCall e =
match e with
| Patterns.Lambda(_,body) -> extractCall body
| Patterns.Call(_o,minfo,_args) -> minfo
| _ -> failwithf "Expression not of expected form %A" e
let rec replaceMethod minfo e =
match e with
| Patterns.Lambda(v,body) -> Expr.Lambda(v, replaceMethod minfo body)
| Patterns.Call(Some o,_,args) -> Expr.Call(o,minfo,args)
| Patterns.Call(None,_,args) -> Expr.Call(minfo,args)
| _ -> failwithf "Expression not of expected form %A" e
match f with
| Patterns.Lambda (_,e) ->
let minfo = extractCall e
let makeMethod =
if minfo.IsGenericMethod then
let minfodef = minfo.GetGenericMethodDefinition()
fun types ->
minfodef.MakeGenericMethod(types |> Seq.toArray)
fun _ -> minfo
fun types ->
let method = makeMethod types
let lambda = replaceMethod method f
FSharp.Linq.RuntimeHelpers.LeafExpressionConverter.EvaluateQuotation lambda :?> ('a -> 'b)
| _ -> failwithf "Expression not of expected form %A" f
let testExpr<'t1,'t2,'t3> arg1 arg2 arg3 =
printfn "%s" ((%%arg1 : 't1).ToString())
printfn "%s" ((%%arg2 : 't2).ToString())
printfn "%s" ((%%arg3 : 't3).ToString())
let bleh =
printfn "bleh"
%%(TypeTemplate.create testExpr<_,_,_> [typeof<string>; typeof<double>; typeof<int>] <@@"bleh"@@> <@@1.0@@> <@@5@@>) : unit
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