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Created October 30, 2018 17:07
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Dart 2.1 example of new mixin syntax for DartPad
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
mixin AnswerMixin {
int get answer => 42;
String toString() => '[ $runtimeType ]';
class Answer with AnswerMixin {}
void main() {
* Simple usage of `mixin`
printAnswer(Answer(), 'Use `with` to include a mixin');
* More advanced usage of `mixin`
'Include many mixins by separating with commas. '
'`$LoggingAnswerMixin` prints every time `answer` is accessed.');
* The order in which mixins are included matters.
printAnswer(LogVerifyAnswer(), 'In this case, log then verify.');
printAnswer(VerifyLogAnswer(), 'In this case, verify then log.');
* You can extend classes that include mixins, too.
printAnswer(DeltaLogVerifyAnswer(), 'Verify will fail.');
printAnswer(DeltaLogVerifyAnswer(1), 'Verify will succeed.');
void printAnswer(AnswerMixin obj, String description) {
print('- $description');
print('answer: ${obj.answer}');
/// [LoggingAnswerMixin] can only be used as a mixin when the superclass
/// (or one of the mixins that comes before it in a "with" clause) implements
/// [AnswerMixin].
mixin LoggingAnswerMixin on AnswerMixin {
int get answer {
var value = super.answer;
print(' LOG: `answer` property was accessed');
return value;
class LogAnswer with AnswerMixin, LoggingAnswerMixin {}
mixin VerifyingAnswerMixin on AnswerMixin {
int get answer {
var value = super.answer;
if (value == 42) {
print(' VERIFY: Invalid Result!');
} else {
print(' VERIFY: valid result');
return value;
class LogVerifyAnswer
with AnswerMixin, LoggingAnswerMixin, VerifyingAnswerMixin {}
class VerifyLogAnswer
with AnswerMixin, VerifyingAnswerMixin, LoggingAnswerMixin {}
abstract class DeltaAnswer with AnswerMixin {
final int delta;
int get answer => super.answer + delta;
class DeltaLogVerifyAnswer extends DeltaAnswer
with LoggingAnswerMixin, VerifyingAnswerMixin {
DeltaLogVerifyAnswer([int delta = 0]) : super(delta);
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