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Forked from arktisklada/index.html
Created August 15, 2013 18:54
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This is the code-along example to work through and build during class. It demonstrates creating a model, collection, views, and a router. All the code is in scripts.js.
* A Post model for blog posts
* A Posts collection to hold all the blog posts
* Views for home and post view
* A basic object to hold the template strings
* PostListView subview with a click event
* The application router
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Backbone.JS-powered Blog</title>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<!-- This will be our main container -->
<div id="main">
<script src="" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script><!-- for selectors, and eventually ajax -->
<script src="" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script><!-- requirement for backbone -->
<script src="" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script><!-- handlebars templating -->
<script src="" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script><!-- backbone.js library -->
<script src="scripts.js"></script><!-- our backbone app code -->
$(function() {
// Object to hold the template HTML
var templates = {
appView: '<h1>Recent Posts</h1><ul id="posts"></ul>',
// blogList: '<a href="#/posts/{{slug}}">{{title}}</a>', // optional replacement for blogList template that uses <a> tags
blogList: '{{title}}',
blogView: '<div class="post"><h1 class="title">{{title}}</h1><h3 class="slug">{{slug}}</h3><div class="content">{{{content}}}</div></div>'
// Create a model for the posts
var Post = Backbone.Model.extend({
// let's look up our blog post by slug instead of id
idAttribute: 'slug',
// Posts have a title and content, and here we set default values
title: 'New post',
slug: 'new-post',
content: 'title'
// Create a collection of blog posts
var Posts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
// Declare the model for this collection
model: Post
// This view turns a post model into rendered HTML for the home page
var PostListView = Backbone.View.extend({
// This is the tag type that each of our post titles will be nested under
tagName: 'li',
// Creating a click event on each view object to show the contents and navigate to the post view
'click': 'view'
// this function is called when the object is created
initialize: function() {
// our render function; populates the template with object data onto the page
render: function() {
// Generate the handlebars template from our templates object
var template = Handlebars.compile(templates.blogList);
// Genreate the post list view html from the object data. The .toJSON() function pulls out the data object from the model, and is important here because the templating system accepts an object of key:value pairs
// Returning the object is a good practice so we can do chaining
return this;
// Event handler for the click event
view: function() {
// navigates to the post view route (/posts/post-slug)
app.navigate('posts/' + this.model.get('slug'), true);
// This view displays a post title, slug, and contents
var PostView = Backbone.View.extend({
// this is the main element to send our template into
el: $('#main'),
initialize: function() {
// This section is NOT IDEAL -- the contents of this function should be in a render function, but demonstrates how this function is called on a new object creation as well as the flexibility.
// Generate the Handlebars template from our object
var template = Handlebars.compile(templates.blogView);
// populate the template with model data and replace our main content with this new template view
// The main view of the application
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
// Base the view on a specific existing element
el: $('#main'),
// Let's initialize this view by populating the template and caching a selector
initialize: function() {
// Populate the main container with our appView template
// Cache commonly used selectors
this.list = $('#posts');
// let's render the sub tempaltes for our main app
render: function() {
// Create views for each post in the Posts collection and append them to the list (underscore style)
this.collection.each(function(post) {
// generate the backbone view object and set the model
var view = new PostListView({ model: post });
// using our cached object from the initialize function, append the new view to the list for display
}, this); // "this" is the context in the callback
return this;
// This is our router/controller for our app
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
// This is a simple object of routes. The key is the route, and the value is the action
routes: {
'': 'index', // root path (/)
'posts/:slug': 'getPost' // post view path (/posts/post-slug)
// Initialize the router with test data
initialize: function(options) {
// pass the options through just in case
this.options = options;
// Test collection data with 4 posts
this.posts = new Posts([
new Post({ title: 'web development', slug: 'web-development', content: '<p>Aliquam condimentum porta dui, at ullamcorper nibh malesuada nec. Nam ornare egestas odio, vitae luctus orci porta sed. Curabitur luctus, metus sed ornare faucibus, velit tellus scelerisque lacus, a tempor risus augue sed lectus.</p><p>Morbi placerat vehicula lectus in pretium. Curabitur orci dui, imperdiet vitae vulputate eget, dapibus sed tortor. Phasellus facilisis fringilla sem nec euismod. Vestibulum eleifend libero non neque imperdiet blandit. Donec adipiscing at ante sed sollicitudin. Etiam elementum ante et placerat posuere.</p>'}),
new Post({ title: 'web design', slug: 'web-design', content: '<p>Morbi placerat vehicula lectus in pretium. Curabitur orci dui, imperdiet vitae vulputate eget, dapibus sed tortor. Phasellus facilisis fringilla sem nec euismod. Vestibulum eleifend libero non neque imperdiet blandit. Donec adipiscing at ante sed sollicitudin. Etiam elementum ante et placerat posuere. Nullam eget orci sed turpis dictum condimentum ut eget neque. Integer adipiscing ante quis eros tincidunt, sed scelerisque odio dictum.</p>'}),
new Post({ title: 'photography', slug: 'photography', content: '<p>no content</p>'}),
new Post({ title: 'coffee drinking', slug: 'coffee-drinking', content: '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In accumsan interdum quam vitae suscipit. </p>'})
// Index action: renders the AppView with the collection of test posts
index: function() {
var appView = new AppView({collection: this.posts});
// GetPost action: renders an individual post view
getPost: function(slug) {
// Get our post by slug (the "id")
var post = this.posts.get(slug);
// Create the view and set the model. Notice how there is no render function called. All display functionality was in the initializer (demonstrates flexibility)
new PostView({model: post});
// create the app from the router
var app = new AppRouter();
// start our backbone history
// Shows how you can capture the event when a URL change occurs
Backbone.history.on('route', function() {
// This is how to retrieve the request URI / fragment
var fragment = Backbone.history.getFragment();
// Demonstrates an alterate way of handling routing events, perhaps by breaking apart the router into a router and controller
// app.on('route:getPost', function(slug) {
// alert("getPost " + slug);
// });
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.post .slug {
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font-style: italic;
text-align: center;
.post .content {
font-size: 14px;
margin-top: 30px;
.post .content p {
margin-top: 20px;
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