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# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# -- Updates a DNS record in Amazon's Route 53.
# See documentation here:
# Copyright 2012 Michael Kelly (
# This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Mon Aug 20 03:42:03 EDT 2012
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import base64
import hashlib
import hmac
import httplib
import optparse
import socket
import sys
import syslog
import datetime
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('--amz-key-id', dest='key_id',
help='Amazon API key ID. Required.')
parser.add_option('--amz-key-secret', dest='key_secret',
help='Amazon API key secet value. Required.')
parser.add_option('--domain', dest='domain',
help='Domain name to update (ending with a dot), or "auto" to '
'use the current hostname. Required.')
parser.add_option('--zone-id', dest='zone_id',
help='Amazon zone ID containing domain name. Required.')
parser.add_option('--ip', dest='ip', help='New IPv4 for domain name, or '
'"auto" to attempt to auto-detect. "auto" does not work '
'from behind a NAT. Required.')
parser.add_option('--quiet', '-q', dest='quiet', default=False,
help="Don't output to stdout unless there is an error.")
parser.add_option('--verbose', '-v', dest='verbose', default=False,
help="Output more information.")
parser.add_option('--force', '-f', dest='force', default=False,
help="Update the A record even if it has not changed.")
parser.add_option('--syslog', '-s', dest='syslog', default=False,
help="Send output to syslog")
opts, _ = parser.parse_args()
COMMENT_FORMAT = 'Automatic update from running on {hostname} at {time}'
# Format string for updating an A record, {name}, from {old_value} with
# {old_ttl} to {new_value} with {new_ttl}.
# See:
BODY_FORMAT = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest xmlns="">
def usage():
def log(msg):
"""Print unless we're in quiet mode.
If syslog is enabled, print to standard out only if it is tty.
if not opts.quiet:
if opts.syslog:
syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_NOTICE, msg)
if not opts.syslog or sys.stdout.isatty():
print "[" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") + "] " + msg
def vlog(msg):
"""Print if we're in verbose mode."""
if opts.verbose:
def get_time_and_ip():
"""Gets the current time from amazon servers.
Also saves the IP address of the socket it uses to make the request. These
two bits of functionality are bundled because the IP comes for free from the
socket we use to get the date, and we might need the IP later.
Format is RFC 1123.
(date, ipaddr)
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('')
connection.request('GET', '/date')
response = connection.getresponse()
ip = connection.sock.getsockname()[0]
return response.getheader('Date'), ip
def make_auth(time_str, key_id, secret):
"""Creates an amazon authorization string.
Format is specified here:
h =, time_str, hashlib.sha256)
h_b64 = base64.b64encode(h.digest())
return 'AWS3-HTTPS AWSAccessKeyId=%s,Algorithm=HmacSHA256,Signature=%s' % (
key_id, h_b64)
def qualify_path(path):
return path.replace('/', '/{%s}' % AMAZON_NS)
def get_old_record_values(doc, name):
"""Returns the old values of the record we will update.
doc: the XML document of the existing record (just a single
ResourceRecord), as a string.
name: The name of the record (domain name) to update.
(ip, TTL): the IP and TTL of the existing record
# TODO(mjkelly): This method could really use some tests.
root = ElementTree.fromstring(doc)
recordset_path = './ResourceRecordSets/ResourceRecordSet'
value_path = './ResourceRecords/ResourceRecord/Value'
# TODO(mjkelly): Consider just grabbing the content of <ResourceRecords>
# verbatim so we can put it in the delete part of our request. ElementTree
# doesn't print out the XML tree like it comes in, though -- I don't know if
# Route 53 will understand it.
for node in root.findall(qualify_path(recordset_path)):
rec_name = node.find(qualify_path('./Name'))
rec_type = node.find(qualify_path('./Type'))
rec_ttl = node.find(qualify_path('./TTL'))
rec_values = list(node.findall(qualify_path(value_path)))
if rec_name is None or rec_type is None or rec_ttl is None:
raise ValueError("Response does not have required children: Name, Type, TTL")
rec_name, rec_type, rec_ttl = rec_name.text, rec_type.text, rec_ttl.text
rec_value = rec_values[0].text
if rec_name != name:
vlog('Skipping record with name %s (searching for "%s")' % (
rec_name, name))
if rec_type != 'A':
vlog('Skipping node with type %s (seaching for "A")' % rec_type)
if len(rec_values) != 1:
raise ValueError("Record must contain exactly Value element")
vlog("Found suitable record: %s %s (TTL=%s) = %s" % (
rec_type, rec_name, rec_ttl, rec_value))
return rec_value, rec_ttl
raise ValueError('Could not find existing A record for %r in:\n%s' % (name, doc))
def find_comment_in_response(response, required_comment):
"""Checks for a PENDING or INSYNC ChangeResponse with the given comment.
response: XML ChangeResourceRecordSetsResponse, as a string.
required_comment: Comment string to look for.
The ElementTree.Element the ChangeInfo with required_comment, or None if
not found.
root = ElementTree.fromstring(response)
info_path = './ChangeInfo'
for node in root.findall(qualify_path(info_path)):
comment = node.find(qualify_path('./Comment'))
status = node.find(qualify_path('./Status'))
if comment.text != required_comment:
if status.text not in ('PENDING', 'INSYNC'):
vlog('Found unexpected status = %r' % status.text)
return None
return node
vlog('Found no response for comment %r' % required_comment)
return None
# ========== main ==========
if opts.syslog:
if (not opts.key_id or not opts.key_secret or not opts.domain or
not opts.zone_id or not opts.ip):
print >>sys.stderr, ('--amz-key-id, --amz-key-secret, --domain, --zone-id, '
'and --ip are required.\n')
if opts.quiet and opts.verbose:
print >>sys.stderr, '--quiet and --verbose are mutually exclusive.'
time_str, default_iface_ip = get_time_and_ip()
key_id = opts.key_id
secret = opts.key_secret
zone_id = opts.zone_id
if opts.domain == "auto":
domain = socket.gethostname() + '.'
domain = opts.domain
if opts.ip == "auto":
new_ip = default_iface_ip
new_ip = opts.ip
if not domain.endswith('.'):
print >>sys.stderr, '--domain should be fully-qualified, and end with a dot.'
vlog('Will set %r to %r' % (domain, new_ip))
auth = make_auth(time_str, key_id, secret)
headers = {
'X-Amz-Date': time_str,
'X-Amzn-Authorization': auth,
# Path for GET request to list existing record only.
get_rrset_path = '/2012-02-29/hostedzone/%s/rrset?name=%s&type=A&maxitems=1' % (zone_id, domain)
# Path for POST request to update record.
change_rrset_path = '/2012-02-29/hostedzone/%s/rrset' % zone_id
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('')
vlog('GET %s' % get_rrset_path)
connection.request('GET', get_rrset_path, '', headers)
response = connection.getresponse()
response_txt =
vlog('Response:\n%s' % response_txt)
old_ip, old_ttl = get_old_record_values(response_txt, domain)
if old_ip is None:
raise RuntimeError('Previous IP for A record does not exist or is not parseable.')
if old_ip == new_ip and not opts.force:
vlog('Old IP %s is same as new IP. Quitting.' % old_ip)
log('Updating %s to %s (was %s)' % (domain, new_ip, old_ip))
connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection('')
comment_str = COMMENT_FORMAT.format(hostname=socket.gethostname(),
change_body = BODY_FORMAT.format(comment=comment_str,
vlog('POST %s\n%s' % (change_rrset_path, change_body))
connection.request('POST', change_rrset_path, change_body, headers)
response = connection.getresponse()
response_val =
vlog('Response:\n%s' % response_val)
if response.status != httplib.OK:
raise RuntimeError('Address update returned non-OK repsonse: %s (not %s)' % (
response.status, httplib.OK))
if find_comment_in_response(response_val, comment_str) is None:
raise RuntimeError(
'Did not receive correct change response from Route 53. Response: %s',
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