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Created May 10, 2012 20:59
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99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ git clone
Cloning into hubot-kandan-app...
remote: Counting objects: 468, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (371/371), done.
remote: Total 468 (delta 48), reused 455 (delta 35)
Receiving objects: 100% (468/468), 686.09 KiB | 434 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (48/48), done.
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ cd hubot-kandan-app
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ # Install the dependencies and scripts
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ npm install
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ mkdir scripts
mkdir: scripts: File exists
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ cp node_modules/hubot-kandan-heroku/node_modules/hubot/src/scripts/* scripts/
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ # Add Hubot scripts to ./scripts if you want.
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ # Visit the [Hubot Script Catalog](
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ # for some cool tricks you can teach your Hubot.
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ # Push and scale
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ git push heroku master
fatal: 'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
99-113-38-75:hubot-kandan-app kevisazombie$ heroku ps:scale app=1
Scaling app processes... ! No app specified.
! Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app <app name>
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