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Last active February 7, 2022 02:30
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  • Save kewalaka/bce4b000367884b98e2970771d531c0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kewalaka/bce4b000367884b98e2970771d531c0f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Get-NonInheritedACLs is a script that recursively checks for directory permissions, ignoring inherited permissions except for the start folder
# Script that takes a start path and recursively checks for directory permissions
# Inherited permissions are ignored except for the start folder.
# Current folder progress written to the screen, output to a CSV located where the script is run from.
# Stu <>
$startPath = "C:\Temp\PermTest" # CHANGE ME
$global:results = @()
# recursive function to get ACLs in subfolders that are not inherited
function Get-NonInheritedACLs($path) {
Write-host "Checking $path"
# get non-inherited permissions, record results in global var
(Get-acl -path $path).Access | where { -not ($_.IsInherited) } | foreach {
$global:results += [PSCustomObject][Ordered] @{
Path = $path
AccessControlType = $_.AccessControlType
FileSystemRights = $_.FileSystemRights
IdentityReference = $_.IdentityReference
InheritenceFlags = $_.InheritenceFlags
PropagationFlags = $_.PropagationFlags
# call function recursively to walk the folder tree
Get-ChildItem -Directory $path | foreach {
Get-NonInheritedACLs $_.FullName
Write-Host "Starting at path $startPath"
# include inherited permissions at the starting point
(Get-acl -path $startPath).Access | where IsInherited | foreach {
$results += [PSCustomObject][Ordered] @{
Path = $startPath
AccessControlType = $_.AccessControlType
FileSystemRights = $_.FileSystemRights
IdentityReference = $_.IdentityReference
InheritenceFlags = $_.InheritenceFlags
PropagationFlags = $_.PropagationFlags
Get-NonInheritedACLs $startPath
# if the script is not first saved, $PSScriptRoot will equal an empty string, so use the current path.
if (!$PSScriptRoot) { $PSScriptRoot = "." }
# output results - remove characters from the path that would result in an invalid file name
$global:results | Export-Csv $PSScriptRoot\"$($startPath.Replace('\','-').Replace(':',''))-permissions.csv" -NoTypeInformation
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