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Last active October 6, 2018 10:41
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from hashlib import sha512
import sys
codePath = ''
def verify(x, chalbox):
with open(codePath, mode='w') as f:
print >> f, 'import sys'
print >> f, 'from z3 import *'
length, gates, check = chalbox
b = [(x >> i) & 1 for i in range(length)]
for num in range(length):
print >> f, '{0} = Bool(\'{0}\')'.format(getB(num))
count = length
for name, args in gates:
bName = getB(count)
if name == 'true':
print >> f, '{0} = True'.format(bName)
u1 = b[args[0][0]] ^ args[0][1]
u1s = getRestrictionStr('Xor', getB(args[0][0]), args[0][1])
u2 = b[args[1][0]] ^ args[1][1]
u2s = getRestrictionStr('Xor', getB(args[1][0]), args[1][1])
if name == 'or':
b.append(u1 | u2)
elif name == 'xor':
b.append(u1 ^ u2)
print >> f, '{0} = {1}'.format(bName, getRestrictionStr(('Or' if name == 'or' else 'Xor'), u1s, u2s))
print >> f, 's = Solver()'
print >> f, 's.add(Xor({0},{1}) == True)'.format(getB(check[0]), 'True' if check[1] else 'False')
print >> f, 'r = s.check()'
print >> f, 'if r == sat:'
print >> f, ' print(s.model())'
print >> f, 'else:'
print >> f, ' print(\'failed\')'
return b[check[0]] ^ check[1]
def getB(x):
return 'b{0}'.format(x)
def getRestrictionStr(op,a,b):
return '{0}({1},{2})'.format(op,a,b)
def dec(x, w):
z = int(sha512(str(int(x))).hexdigest(), 16)
return '{:x}'.format(w ^ z).decode('hex')
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print 'Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' <key> <map.txt>'
print 'Example: Try Running ' + sys.argv[0] + ' 11443513758266689915 map1.txt'
with open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as f:
cipher, chalbox = eval(
key = int(sys.argv[1]) % (1 << chalbox[0])
print 'Attempting to decrypt ' + sys.argv[2] + '...'
if verify(key, chalbox):
print 'Congrats the flag for ' + sys.argv[2] + ' is:', dec(key, cipher)
print 'Wrong key for ' + sys.argv[2] + '.'
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