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Created June 10, 2021 02:14
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Original HackerNews source, from
; This is the earliest version of HN I can find. It's 166 LOC, and
; the write date is 6 Sep 2006, meaning it's 4 days old. There are
; only two pages, news and submit, and there are no comments yet.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; News. 2 Sep 06.
; todo: add newacct to login,
; clean up defop2, inbox, admin ability to edit, del stories, log files
; only count 1 vote per low-karma acct per ip addr
; generate the non-logged-in frontpage every half min as a string in
; memory and just dump it when requested
; don't keep old stories in memory, fetch story titles, notice dups,
; different user classes
; have internal and external names for users, and store stuff under
; internal names, so if a name is reused, the new user doesn't get
; the old one's votes. internal should be external+count
; idea: a var that is always written to disk when modified, and whose
; val is read off disk when unknown (initially). lazy loading.
(deftem profile
karma 1)
(deftem story
id (new-storyid)
url nil
title nil
score 0
by nil
time (seconds))
(= newsdir* "/arc/news/"
storydir* "/arc/news/story/"
votedir* "/arc/news/vote/"
profdir* "/arc/news/profile/")
(= sid* nil stories* nil)
(def load-storyid ()
(= sid* (readfile1 "/arc/news/storyid")))
(def save-storyid (n)
(writefile1 n "/arc/news/storyid"))
(def new-storyid ()
(save-storyid (++ sid*)))
(def load-stories ()
(= stories* (sort (fn (x y) (> (x 'id) (y 'id)))
(map (fn (filename)
(w/infile i (+ storydir* filename)
(temread 'story i)))
(dir storydir*)))))
(def save-story (s)
(save-table s (string storydir* (s 'id))))
(def load-news ()
(def frontpage-rank (s (o gravity 1))
(/ (s 'score)
(expt (* (/ (max .5 (story-age s)) 60) gravity) 2)))
(def story-age (s)
(/ (- (seconds) (s 'time)) 60.0))
; later memoize scorefn if faster
(def topstories (n (o scorefn frontpage-rank))
(bestn n
(fn (x y) (> (scorefn x) (scorefn y)))
(= votes* (table) profs* (table))
(def user-known (u)
(file-exists (+ votedir* u)))
(def init-user (u)
(= (votes* u) (table) (profs* u) (instance 'profile))
(save-votes u)
(save-prof u)
(def load-user (u)
(= (votes* u) (load-table (+ votedir* u)))
(= (profs* u) (w/infile i (+ profdir* u)
(temread 'profile i)))
(def save-votes (u)
(save-table (votes* u) (+ votedir* u)))
(def save-prof (u)
(w/outfile o (+ profdir* u)
(write (tablist (profs* u)) o)))
; (save-table (profs* u) (+ profdir* u))
(def ensure-news-user (u)
(when (and u (no (votes* u)))
(if (user-known u)
(load-user u)
(init-user u)))
(defop news (str args cooks)
(if (no stories*) (load-news))
(w/stdout str (newspage (get-user cooks))))
; anonform2 within login2 is displaying the set-cookie header line
; because fns defined with defop now automatically add the blank
; line.
; should be able to just define y as a regular op like x, but with
; defoph, and not have a special case for it in handle
(def newspage (user)
(ensure-news-user user)
(intag b (pr "Top Stories"))
(hspace 30)
(if user (pr user " (" ((profs* user) 'karma) ") | "))
(if user
(newwith-ref (submit-page user)
(pr "submit"))
(newwith-ref (login2 "You have to be logged in to submit links."
(fn (u)
(submit-page u)))
(pr "submit")))
(pr " | ")
(if user
(newwith-ref (do (logout-user user)
(newspage nil))
(pr "logout"))
; when have with-ref2 add a login option
; *** remove before flight
(hspace 30)
(intag (a href "kapow") (pr "kill server"))
(brs 2)
(intag (table border 0)
(let i 0
(foreach s (topstories 50)
(display-story (++ i) s user))))))
(def display-story (i story user)
(intag (td align 'right) (pr i "."))
(td (if (or (no user)
(no ((votes* user) (story 'id))))
(newwith-ref (if user
(do (vote-for user story)
(newspage user))
(login2 "You have to be logged in to vote."
(fn (u)
(ensure-news-user u)
(unless ((votes* u) (story 'id))
(vote-for u story))
(newspage u))))
(pr "^"))))
(td (intag (a href (story 'url))
(pr (story 'title)))))
(tr (intag (td colspan 2))
(td (intag (font size 1 color (gray 130))
(prs (story 'score) "points"
"by" (story 'by)
(let a (story-age story)
(if (> a 120)
(prs (round (/ a 60)) "hours ago")
(prs (round a) "minutes ago")))))))))
(def vote-for (user story)
(++ (story 'score))
(save-story story)
(= ((votes* user) (story 'id)) (story 'score))
(save-votes user)
(let submitter (story 'by)
(unless (is user submitter)
(ensure-news-user submitter)
(++ ((profs* submitter) 'karma))
(save-prof submitter))))
(defop submit (str args cooks)
(aif (get-user cooks)
(w/stdout str (submit-page it))
(page str (invite-login))))
(def submit-page (user)
(ensure-news-user user)
(intag b (pr "Submit Story"))
(newanonform (fn (args)
(with (url (alref args "u") title (alref args "t"))
(let s (obj id (new-storyid)
url url
title title
score 0
by user
time (seconds))
(vote-for user s)
(push s stories*)))
(newspage user))
(inputs u url 50 nil
t title 50 nil)
(submit "submit"))))
; junk
(defop t1 (str args cooks)
(w/stdout str
(newanonform (fn (args)
(pr (alref args "n") " is " (alref args "a") ".")))
(inputs n name 20 nil
a age 3 nil)
(submit "submit")))))
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