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Last active November 3, 2019 21:33
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import com.keyboardr.bluejay.util.toFraction
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import kotlin.math.*
class LoudnessMeasurer(private val channelCount: Int, sampleRate: Float, totalFrames: Int) {
private class LoudnessMeasurerChannel(var bufferFrames: Int,
/** How many frames are needed for a gating block. Will correspond to 400ms
of audio at initialization, and 100ms after the first block (75% overlap
as specified in the 2011 revision of BS1770). */
var neededFrames: Int,
blocksCapacity: Int,
overviewCapacity: Int) {
val inputBuffer = FloatArray(bufferFrames)
val bufferPre = FloatArray(bufferFrames)
val bufferPost = DoubleArray(bufferFrames)
var bufferIndex = 0
val scratch = DoubleArray(bufferFrames + 2)
val scratch2 = DoubleArray(bufferFrames + 2)
val filterState = Array(2) { DoubleArray(4) }
var samplePeak = 0f
val blocks = ArrayList<Double>(blocksCapacity)
val overview = ArrayList<Double>(overviewCapacity)
private val samplesIn100ms: Int = (sampleRate / 10).roundToInt()
private val samplesIn400ms: Int = samplesIn100ms * 4
private val channels = Array(channelCount) {
LoudnessMeasurerChannel(samplesIn400ms, samplesIn400ms,
10 * ceil(totalFrames / sampleRate).toInt(),
100 * ceil(totalFrames / sampleRate).toInt())
private val coefficients = Array(2) { DoubleArray(5) }
init {
var f0 = 1681.974450955533
val gain = 3.999843853973347
var q = 0.7071752369554196
var k = tan(PI * f0 / sampleRate)
val vh = 10.0.pow(gain / 20.0)
val vb = vh.pow(0.4996667741545416)
val a0 = 1.0 + k / q + k * k
val pb = doubleArrayOf(
(vh + vb * k / q + k * k) / a0,
2.0 * (k * k - vh) / a0,
(vh - vb * k / q + k * k) / a0)
val pa = doubleArrayOf(
2.0 * (k * k - 1.0) / a0,
(1.0 - k / q + k * k) / a0)
f0 = 38.13547087602444
q = 0.5003270373238773
k = tan(PI * f0 / sampleRate)
val rb = doubleArrayOf(1.0, -2.0, 1.0)
val ra = doubleArrayOf(
2.0 * (k * k - 1.0) / (1.0 + k / q + k * k),
(1.0 - k / q + k * k) / (1.0 + k / q + k * k))
coefficients[0][0] = pb[0]
coefficients[0][1] = pb[1]
coefficients[0][2] = pb[2]
coefficients[0][3] = pa[1]
coefficients[0][4] = pa[2]
coefficients[1][0] = rb[0]
coefficients[1][1] = rb[1]
coefficients[1][2] = rb[2]
coefficients[1][3] = ra[1]
coefficients[1][4] = ra[2]
private fun biquad(inBuffer: DoubleArray, outBuffer: DoubleArray, coef: DoubleArray,
state: DoubleArray, frames: Int) {
inBuffer[0] = state[0]
inBuffer[1] = state[1]
outBuffer[0] = state[2]
outBuffer[1] = state[3]
deq22(inBuffer, coef, outBuffer, frames)
state[0] = inBuffer[frames]
state[1] = inBuffer[frames + 1]
state[2] = outBuffer[frames]
state[3] = outBuffer[frames + 1]
private fun LoudnessMeasurerChannel.filter(src: FloatArray, startIndex: Int, frames: Int) {
if (frames == 0) return
val range = src.drop(startIndex).take(frames)
val max = range.maxMagnitude() ?: 0f
if (max > samplePeak) {
samplePeak = max
src.copyInto(scratch, 2)
repeat(frames) { i ->
bufferPre[i + bufferIndex] = scratch[i + 2].toFloat()
biquad(scratch, scratch2, coefficients[0], filterState[0], frames)
biquad(scratch2, scratch, coefficients[1], filterState[1], frames)
repeat(frames) { i ->
bufferPost[i + bufferIndex] = scratch[i + 2]
private fun LoudnessMeasurerChannel.calculateOverview(framesPerBlock: Int, blockCount: Int) {
for (b in (if (overview.isEmpty()) 0 else blockCount - 10) until blockCount) {
val bufferIndex = (bufferIndex + framesPerBlock * b) % bufferFrames
// bufferIndex marks the end of the block of interest. If it's 0 then we've either just
// started or we've wrapped around. If we've just started, then the overview will be empty.
if (overview.isEmpty() && bufferIndex == 0) {
val max = this.accumulateBlock(bufferIndex, framesPerBlock) { acc, startIndex, count ->
private fun LoudnessMeasurerChannel.calcuclateGatingBlock(framesPerBlock: Int) {
val sum = this.accumulateBlock(bufferIndex, framesPerBlock) { acc, startIndex, count ->
if (count == 0) acc
else acc +
.map { it * it }
private fun LoudnessMeasurerChannel.accumulateBlock(bufferIndex: Int, framesPerBlock: Int,
accFun: (Double, Int, Int) -> Double): Double {
var acc = 0.0
if (bufferIndex < framesPerBlock) {
// We have wrapped around. Check the first part of the buffer.
if (bufferIndex > 0) {
acc = accFun(acc, 0, bufferIndex)
// Then check the end of the buffer for the remaining frames.
val i = bufferFrames - (framesPerBlock - bufferIndex)
val frames = bufferFrames - i
acc = accFun(acc, i, frames)
} else {
acc = accFun(acc, bufferIndex - framesPerBlock, framesPerBlock)
return acc
private fun LoudnessMeasurerChannel.process(source: FloatArray, inFrames: Int) {
var index = 0
var frames = inFrames
while (frames > 0) {
if (frames >= neededFrames) {
filter(source, index, neededFrames)
index += neededFrames
frames -= neededFrames
bufferIndex += neededFrames
calculateOverview(samplesIn100ms / 10, 40)
// 100ms are needed for all blocks besides the first one
neededFrames = samplesIn100ms
if (bufferIndex == bufferFrames) {
bufferIndex = 0
} else {
filter(source, index, frames)
bufferIndex += frames
neededFrames -= frames
frames = 0
fun scanAudioBuffer(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer, bufferChannelCount: Int) {
var frame = 0
while (byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
channels.forEachIndexed { ch, channel ->
channel.inputBuffer[frame] =
if (ch >= bufferChannelCount) {
} else {
if (bufferChannelCount > channelCount) {
// Skip channels not tracked by this LoudnessMeasurer
repeat(bufferChannelCount - channelCount) {
channels.forEach {
it.process(it.inputBuffer, frame + 1)
fun getOverview() = UByteArray(channels[0].overview.size) { i ->
val max = { it.overview[i] }.max()!!
floor(max * 255.0)
.coerceIn(0, 255)
fun getLoudness(): Double {
val blocks = List(channels[0].blocks.size) { i ->
.map { it.blocks[i] }
/ samplesIn400ms)
}.filter { it >= ABSOLUTE_GATE_FACTOR }
if (blocks.isEmpty()) return 0.0
val relativeThreshold = blocks.average() * RELATIVE_GATE_FACTOR
val aboveRelativeThreshold = blocks.filter { it >= relativeThreshold }
if (aboveRelativeThreshold.isEmpty()) return 0.0
return 10 * log10(aboveRelativeThreshold.average()) - 0.691
fun getPeak(): Double {
return { it.samplePeak }.max()!!.toDouble()
companion object {
private val RELATIVE_GATE_FACTOR = 10.0.pow(-1.0)
private val ABSOLUTE_GATE_FACTOR = 10.0.pow(-7.0691 / 10.0)
private fun FloatArray.copyInto(dst: DoubleArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = 0) {
val expandedSource = DoubleArray(size) { this[it].toDouble() }
expandedSource.copyInto(dst, destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)
private fun List<Float>.maxMagnitude(): Float? {
val max = max() ?: return null
val min = min() ?: return null
return max(max, -min)
private fun deq22(a: DoubleArray, b: DoubleArray, out: DoubleArray, length: Int) {
for (n in 2 until length + 2) {
out[n] = (a[n] * b[0]
+ a[n - 1] * b[1]
+ a[n - 2] * b[2]
- out[n - 1] * b[3]
- out[n - 2] * b[4])
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