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Last active November 8, 2023 10:20
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micro settings
"Alt-/": "lua:comment.comment",
"Alt-Left": "StartOfLine",
"Alt-MouseLeft": "MouseMultiCursor",
"Alt-Right": "EndOfLine",
"Alt-[": "PreviousTab",
"Alt-]": "NextTab",
"Alt-d": "command:definition",
"Alt-f": "command:format",
"Alt-k": "command:hover",
"Alt-r": "command:references",
"Ctrl-Escape": "CommandMode",
"Ctrl-Space": "CommandMode",
"Ctrl-Underscore": "lua:comment.comment",
"Ctrl-g": "command:definition",
"Ctrl-k": "lua:comment.comment",
"Ctrl-r": "command:fzf",
"F1": "command:fzf",
"F4": "command:jumptag"
# Note: older
# keyle's light and fluffy color scheme for micro.
color-link default "#dddddd,#151515"
color-link comment "darkgreen"
color-link constant "green"
color-link constant.specialChar "bold magenta"
color-link constant.string.char "bold magenta"
#color-link identifier "bold cyan"
#color-link identifier.class "bold white"
# color-link identifier.macro "bold red"
color-link identifier "green"
color-link cursor-line "black"
color-link statement "yellow"
color-link special "yellow"
# color-link symbol "red"
color-link preproc "yellow"
color-link identifier "yellow"
color-link type "italic cyan"
color-link todo "pink"
color-link symbol "bold" # ==
#color-link type.keyword "italic"
# color-link special "bold red"
color-link ignore "default"
color-link error "bold white,brightred"
color-link todo "bold brightmagenta"
color-link hlsearch "white,green"
color-link indent-char ",brightgreen"
color-link line-number "black"
# color-link line-number.scrollbar "green"
color-link statusline "#555555"
color-link tabbar "white,black"
color-link current-line-number "black"
color-link diff-added "green"
color-link diff-modified "yellow"
color-link diff-deleted "red"
color-link gutter-error ",red"
color-link gutter-warning "red"
color-link color-column "cyan"
color-link underlined.url "underline cyan"
color-link divider "black"
color-link message "green"
# in ~/.config/micro/colorschemes / work.micro
color-link comment "italic #dd8800"
#color-link constant "lightgreen"
color-link identifier "bold"
color-link statement "brightgreen"
color-link symbol "lightcyan"
#color-link preproc "magenta"
#color-link type "green"
#color-link special "magenta"
color-link ignore "default"
color-link symbol.tag "black"
color-link todo "bold italic magenta" # TODO something FIXME something
color-link error ",darkred"
color-link hlsearch "black,#ffcd11"
color-link selection "black,#ffcd11"
color-link indent-char "black"
color-link tag "black"
color-link tabbar "red"
color-link diff-added "lightgreen"
color-link diff-modified "lightblue"
color-link diff-deleted "lightred"
color-link line-number "black"
color-link current-line-number "black"
color-link gutter-error ",red"
color-link gutter-warning "red"
color-link command "red"
#Cursor line causes readability issues. Disabled for now.
#color-link cursor-line "white,black"
color-link color-column "white"
#No extended types. (bool in C)
color-link type.extended "default"
#No bracket highlighting.
color-link symbol.brackets "default"
#Color shebangs the comment color
color-link preproc.shebang "comment"
color-link divider "black"
color-link statusline "bold italic black,#444444"
color-link message "#FFCD11"
color-link error-message "bold lightred"
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