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Created May 7, 2021 14:47
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lets play at tracking calls and the locals at the point of return ...
import sys
import threading
from operator import itemgetter
from pprint import pprint, saferepr
keyonly = itemgetter(0)
class ZMixin:
def mixin_via_z(self) -> int:
varz = 999
return varz
def goes_through_everything(self) -> None:
varz = 'whee'
return None
class YMixin:
def mixin_via_y(self) -> int:
vary = 998
return vary
def goes_through_everything(self) -> None:
vary = super().goes_through_everything()
return vary
class XMixin:
def mixin_via_x(self) -> int:
varx = 997
return varx
def goes_through_everything(self) -> None:
varx = super().goes_through_everything()
return varx
class A(ZMixin):
def __init__(self):
test = 'in a'
def test_c_to_a(self) -> int:
return 1
def test_b_to_a_via_c(self) -> int:
return 3
def test_c_to_a_through_b(self) -> int:
return 4
def goes_through_everything(self) -> None:
vara = super().goes_through_everything()
return vara
class B(YMixin, A):
def __init__(self):
test = 'in b'
def test_c_to_b(self) -> int:
return 2
def test_b_to_a_via_c(self) -> int:
return super().test_b_to_a_via_c()
def test_c_to_a_through_b(self) -> int:
return super().test_c_to_a_through_b()
def goes_through_everything(self) -> None:
varb = super().goes_through_everything()
return varb
class C(XMixin, B):
def __init__(self):
test = 'in c'
def test_c_to_a(self) -> int:
return super().test_c_to_a()
def test_c_to_b(self) -> int:
return super().test_c_to_b()
def test_c_to_a_through_b(self) -> int:
return super().test_c_to_a_through_b()
def goes_through_everything(self) -> None:
varc = super().goes_through_everything()
return varc
localvars = threading.local()
# In case you're a doofus like I am, it's worth pointing out that printing or
# pprinting a dictionary doesn't necessarily output it in the same insertion
# order it is, which caused me to scratch my head a bunch and debug a problem
# that doesn't exist if you just iterate over .items()
localvars.seen = {}
def tracefunc(frame, event, arg):
def update_seen(_theframe_):
name = _theframe_.f_code.co_name
vars = _theframe_.f_locals
if 'self' in vars:
self = vars['self']
ancestors = self.__class__.__mro__
template = "%s.%s.%s"
if '__class__' in vars:
currentcls = vars['__class__']
return template % (currentcls.__module__, currentcls.__qualname__, name)
for currentcls in reversed(ancestors):
if hasattr(currentcls, name):
return template % (currentcls.__module__, currentcls.__qualname__, name)
return ""
if event == 'call':
currentcls = update_seen(frame)
localvars.seen[currentcls] = 1
if event == "return":
currentcls = update_seen(frame)
local_reprs = {
lname: saferepr(lval)
for lname, lval in sorted(frame.f_locals.items(), key=keyonly)
if lname != "self" and lname[0:2] != "__"
localvars.seen[currentcls] = local_reprs
thing = C()
for k, v in localvars.seen.items():
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