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kf4bzt / Vulnerability Port Scanner
Created February 7, 2017 16:41
This is a python script that is in work to allow for easy port and vulnerability scanning
#I want to thank Mark Hufe for his video on creating a menu structure inside python.
#This helped me out a lot.
import subprocess
import sys
subnet_list = '/root/subnet_list'
vulscan_results = 'root/vulscan_results'
scan_results = '/root/scan_results'
#This script will locate and move all compressed log file
#from a server to an offsite filer using an SFTP push
#If will look at the folder you specify,
#Determine what files are compressed using gzip compression
#And copy them to a remote location of your choosing. I have modified
#this script to remove the questions at the beginning as the file transfer is done from the
#local server to a filer using a mount point connected via NFS.
#The following script will look at the folder you specify
#Determine what files are in that folder
#How much space that they will take up
#And copy them to a remote location of your choosing
#TITLE="SFTP File Transfer"
#Print the string variable on the screen
echo $TITLE
echoPS3='Choose how you would like to transfer files:'
options=("SFTP Push" "SFTP Get" "Quit")
kf4bzt / passwordinitiator
Last active January 3, 2017 19:48
This is a script that I built to help generate multiple secure passwords as well as their encrypted counter part for the Redhat / CentOS systems.
#This script will create a random character base64 password
#to be used with users linux accounts. The user will be able
#to select how many characters that they would like to use
#for their user accounts. Once created, the passwords
#will be encrypted with openssl and placed into the /etc/shadow
#file under Redhat / CentOS
TITLE="Strong Password Initiator"
#print the string variable on the screen