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Created August 2, 2023 00:13
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Reveal dashboards and panels that have alerts but no notification channels
# Reveal dashboards and panels that have alerts but no notification channels
# Works on Grafana v8 Alerts (v9 changes alerts a lot)
# This script is useful for when you accidentally change alert notification channel
import requests
from config import base_url, api_key
headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}'}
def get_dashboards():
url = f'{base_url}/api/search'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return response.json()
def get_dashboard_by_uid(uid):
url = f'{base_url}/api/dashboards/uid/{uid}'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return response.json()
def get_notification_channel(channel_uid):
url = f'{base_url}/api/alert-notifications/uid/{channel_uid}'
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
return response.json()
def get_panels_from_rows(rows):
panels = []
for row in rows:
if 'panels' in row:
return panels
dashboards = get_dashboards()
for db in dashboards:
dashboard = get_dashboard_by_uid(db['uid'])
panels = []
if 'panels' in dashboard['dashboard']:
if 'rows' in dashboard['dashboard']:
for panel in panels:
if 'alert' in panel:
alert = panel['alert']
notification_channels = []
for notification in alert['notifications']:
notification_channel = get_notification_channel(notification['uid'])
if len(notification_channels) == 0:
print(f"Dashboard: {dashboard['meta']['slug']} Panel: {panel['title']} has no notification channels, go to {base_url}{dashboard['meta']['url']}?editPanel={panel['id']}&tab=alert to add one.")
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