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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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#ifdef __APPLE__
extern "C" {
#include "vecLib/clapack.h"
#include "vecLib/cblas.h"
#include <cblas.h>
#include <lapacke.h>
Do the partial elimination in equation system by calculating Schur complement.
IMPORTANT: input matrix is columnwise ordered (Fortran-like) not in C (row-wise) fashion.
+---+---+ +---+ +----+---+ +---+
| A | B |}m | E |}n |Diag| B'|}m | E'|}n
+---+---+ * x = +---+ => +----+---+ * x = +---+
| C | D |}k | F |}k | 0 | D'|}k | F'|}k
+---+---+ +---+ +----+---+ +---+
^ ^ ^ ^
m k m k
void eliminate(double *matrix, double *rhs, int n, int m) {
int info;
int ipiv[m];
int k = n - m;
char LapackNoTrans = 'N';
double *A = matrix,
*B = matrix + m * n,
*C = matrix + m,
*D = matrix + n * m + m,
*E = rhs,
*F = rhs + m;
// 1: LU factorize A
/* M */ &m, // size
/* N */ &m,
/* A */ A, // pointer to data
/* LDA */ &n, // LDA = matrix_size
/* IPIV */ ipiv, // pivot vector
/* INFO */ &info);
if (info != 0) {
throw lapack_exception("DGETRF failed: LU decomposition not possible");
// 2: B = A^-1 * B
/* TRANS */ &LapackNoTrans,
/* N */ &m,
/* NRHS */ &k,
/* A */ A,
/* LDA */ &n,
/* IPIV */ ipiv,
/* B */ B,
/* LDB */ &n,
/* INFO */ &info);
if (info != 0) {
throw lapack_exception("DGETRS failed");
// 3: E = A^-1 * E
int one = 1;
/* TRANS */ &LapackNoTrans,
/* N */ &m,
/* NRHS */ &one,
/* A */ A,
/* LDA */ &n,
/* IPIV */ ipiv,
/* B */ E,
/* LDB */ &n,
/* INFO */ &info);
if (info != 0) {
throw lapack_exception("DGETRS failed");
// 4: D = D - C * B
/* TRANSA */ CblasNoTrans,
/* TRANSB */ CblasNoTrans,
/* M */ k,
/* N */ k,
/* K */ m,
/* ALPHA */ -1.0,
/* A */ C,
/* LDA */ n,
/* B */ B,
/* LDB */ n,
/* BETA */ 1.0,
/* C */ D,
/* LDC */ n);
// 5: F = F - C * E
/* TRANS */ CblasNoTrans,
/* M */ k,
/* N */ m,
/* ALPHA */ -1.0,
/* A */ C,
/* LDA */ n,
/* X */ E,
/* INCX */ 1,
/* BETA */ 1.0,
/* Y */ F,
/* INCY */ 1);
// 6.1: Zero matrix A
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
matrix[j * n + i] = 0.0;
// 6.2: Set 1 on diagonal of A
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
matrix[i * n + i] = 1.0;
// 7: Zero matrix C
for (int i = m; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
matrix[j * n + i] = 0.0;
#include <stdexcept>
class lapack_exception: public std::runtime_error
lapack_exception(std::string const& msg):
void eliminate(double * matrix, double * rhs, int n, int m);
\title{How to do partial elimination with BLAS and LAPACK}
\section{Problem statement}
Lets assume that we have equation system of size $n$. We want to partially eliminate first $m$ variables from the system, so that $k = n - m$ variables may still be not eliminated. What we need to do is to calculate Shur complement of the equation system.
A_{m × m} & B_{m × k} \\
C_{k × m} & D_{k × k}
\end{bmatrix}_{n × n} x = \begin{bmatrix}
E_{m × 1} \\
F_{m × 1}
\end{bmatrix}_{n × 1}
\boldsymbol{I}_{m × m} & B'_{m × k} \\
\boldsymbol{0}_{k × m} & D'_{k × k}
\end{bmatrix}_{n × n} x = \begin{bmatrix}
E'_{m × 1} \\
F'_{m × 1}
\end{bmatrix}_{n × 1}
\label{step1} B' &= A^{-1} \times B \\
\label{step2} E' &= A^{-1} \times E \\
\label{step3} D' &= D - C \times B' \\
\label{step4} F' &= F - C \times E'
\section{BLAS/LAPACK implementation}
Let's assume that
\item matrices have continuous columns (like in Foratran), which is not standard behavior in C,
\item \textbf{G} is LHS matrix of the system that is composed of submatrices \textbf{A} to \textbf{D},
\item \textbf{H} is RHS vector of the system that is composed of subvectors \textbf{E} and \textbf{F},
\item \textbf{A} to \textbf{F} are pointers to the begining of the submatrices,
\item \textbf{n}, \textbf{m} and \textbf{k} are defined as in introduction,
\item we check if operation succeeded after operations that may fail (e.g. LU decomposition),
\item the operation will be in-place and will modify input matrix.
\item Do the LU decomposition for submatrix A: \\ \texttt{dgetrf(m, m, A, n, ipiv, status)} \\ The row pivot vector returned in \texttt{ipiv} will be needed in next two steps.
\item $B = (PLU)^{-1} \times B$: \\ \texttt{dgetrs(NoTrans, m, k, A, n, ipiv, B, n, status)}
\item $E = (PLU)^{-1} \times E$: \\ \texttt{dgetrs(NoTrans, m, 1, A, n, ipiv, E, n, status)}
\item $D = D - C \times B$: \\ \texttt{dgemm(NoTrans, NoTrans, k, k, m, -1.0, C, n, B, n, 1.0, D, n)}
\item $F = F - C \times E$: \\ \texttt{dgemv(NoTrans, k, m, -1.0, C, n, E, 1, 1.0, F, 1)}
\item\label{diag} $A = \boldsymbol{I}_{m × m}$ – $A$ is identity matrix
\item\label{zero} $C = \boldsymbol{0}_{k × m}$ – $C$ is zero matrix
Steps \ref{diag} and \ref{zero} may be omited if you only need Schur complement (matrices D and F).
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