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Last active July 28, 2023 07:37
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How to configure global git hooks (my handcrafted silver bullet)

How to configure global git hooks (my handcrafted silver bullet)


I realized that a lot of my repos shared code for git hooks, especially since I use hooks for commom tasks such as linting, formatting and project cleanups. I wanted to have a central place for all hooks and their scripts so I could update them in one place.

Since some projects provide their own set of git hooks, I also wanted to be able to use those instead of my global hooks (if present).

So I started looking for a tool to solve the problem and found nothing. Nothing that was still maintained or easy to use anyway.

I'm calling it a silver bullet because one simple shell script without dependencies solves the problem and it's easy to adapt should you need to.


Use git config --global core.hooksPath '~/.githooks' to configure the directory ~/.githooks as the central directory for shared git hooks on all repos.

(Alternatively: Set on a per repo-basis without the --global flag to opt-in to your central git hooks)

You will have to create the directory with mkdir -p ~/.githooks first. Each hook you use needs its own subdirectory ~/.githooks/<hook>.d/ which contains the script(s) that will be run for the respective hook.

The currently available git hooks are as follows:

  • applypatch-msg
  • commit-msg
  • fsmonitor-watchman
  • post-update
  • pre-applypatch
  • pre-commit
  • pre-merge-commit
  • pre-push
  • pre-rebase
  • pre-receive
  • prepare-commit-msg
  • push-to-checkout
  • update

My silver bullet-suggestion is to use this exact script for each and every git hook you intend to use:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

hook=$(echo $0 | sed 's,.*/,,')

if test -e $PWD/.githooks/$hook
  exec $PWD/.githooks/$hook

if test -e $PWD/githooks/$hook
  exec $PWD/githooks/$hook

for file in $(find $0.d -type f | sort)

If a hook is undefined nothing will be executed, this is expected and normal git behavior. Note: All scripts involved in this solution must be marked as executable (i.e. chmod +x ~/.githooks/<hook>.d/*)!

This executes a hook in .githhooks/<hook> or githooks/<hook> in your repo if present and runs scripts in ~/.githooks/<hook>.d/ in alphabetical order otherwise.

Explanation of the silver bullet

The line hook=$(echo $0 | sed 's,.*/,,') extracts the name of the hook from the parameters passed to the script by git. This make the script usable for all hooks.

The script first looks for a .githooks/<hook> file in the root of the current git repo. If this file exists, it is executed.

If .githooks/<hook> is not found, githooks/<hook> (without the dot) is checked and executed if it exists.

If neither .githooks/<hook> nor githooks/<hook> are found the script will search recursively for all files in the .githooks/<hook>.d/ directory and execute them in alphabetical order. All files under .githooks/<hook>.d/ will have to be executable as well.

This mechanism allows for an override if a repo prefers to provide its own hooks and executes predefined (optionally hierarchically organized) scripts otherwise.

Example for a ~/.githooks/<hook>.d/ script

This is the script I use as my ~/.githooks/pre-commit.d/terraform-fmt to check terraform formatting:


which -s terraform
if test $? -eq 0
  output=$(terraform fmt -recursive -check)
  if test $? -ne 0
    echo Malformatted files found, aborting. Run to format:
    echo terraform fmt -recursive -write
    echo $output
    exit 1

I've written it so that the script is portable and will only run the check if terraform is installed. If I had many more checks, I would've implemented further preconditions (like the repo containing any .tf files) for performance. This however is good enough for me (for now).

Note: exiting with anything other than 0 is required to fail the hook.

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