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Kevin F. Konrad kfkonrad

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kfkonrad / starship.toml
Last active July 28, 2023 07:36
My three line starship prompt - starships are meant to fly 🚀
add_newline = false
format = """[╭➜](bold blue) $username$hostname$battery$gcloud$aws${custom.kubie}$kubernetes$helm$status$cmd_duration
[├](yellow)[➜](bold yellow) $directory$rust$package$git_branch$git_status$git_state$git_metrics$git_commit$golang$terraform$docker_context
$character """
success_symbol = "[╰➜](bold green)"
error_symbol = "[╰➜](bold red)"
kfkonrad /
Last active July 28, 2023 07:37
How to configure global git hooks (my handcrafted silver bullet)

How to configure global git hooks (my handcrafted silver bullet)


I realized that a lot of my repos shared code for git hooks, especially since I use hooks for commom tasks such as linting, formatting and project cleanups. I wanted to have a central place for all hooks and their scripts so I could update them in one place.

Since some projects provide their own set of git hooks, I also wanted to be able to use those instead of my global hooks (if present).

So I started looking for a tool to solve the problem and found nothing. Nothing that was still maintained or easy to use anyway.

kfkonrad / starship.toml
Last active August 16, 2023 12:16
Simple single-line PS1-like starship config
add_newline = false
format = """$username\