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Created May 3, 2012 19:27
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Benchmark template for TiPL 2012, for testing map implementations
-- Benchmark template for TiPL 2012, for testing map implementations
-- Compile with the command: ghc -O3 -W --make mapbench.hs -o mapbench
import qualified Criterion.Main as C
isPrime :: Integral a => a -> Bool
isPrime n = null [factor | factor <- [2..floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n]
, n `mod` factor == 0]
numbers = [2,3..]
kmap f = foldr (\x res -> f x : res) []
main = do
let sizes = [ 10000, 100000, 1000000]
inputs = [(n, take n numbers) | n <- sizes]
benchmarks = [ C.bench (name ++ show n) $ mapprime ns
| (n, ns) <- inputs,
(name, mapprime) <- [(" ", map$isPrime),
("kmap " , kmap$isPrime)]]
C.defaultMain benchmarks
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