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Last active December 17, 2015 19:38
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A few list functions written in different styles.
(* A few list functions written in different styles *)
fun len lst =
let fun loop acc [] = acc
| loop acc (_::xs) = loop (acc+1) xs
in loop 0 lst end
fun lenw lst =
let val cnt = ref 0
val next = ref lst
in while not(null(!next)) do (
cnt := !cnt + 1
; next := tl(!next)
; !cnt
fun lenr [] = 0
| lenr (_::xs) = 1 + lenr xs
fun tab f n =
let fun loop acc 0 = f 0 :: acc
| loop acc n = loop (f n :: acc) (n-1)
in loop [] (n-1)
fun tabw f n =
let val i = ref(n-1)
val acc = ref []
in while !i >= 0 do (
acc := f(!i) :: !acc
; i := !i - 1
; !acc
fun map _ [] = []
| map f (x::xs) = f x :: map f xs
fun mapc f xs =
let fun cps [] k = k[]
| cps (x::xs) k = cps xs (fn res => k (f x :: res))
in cps xs (fn x => x)
fun mapcw f xs =
let val k = ref(fn x => x)
val next = ref xs
in while not(null(!next)) do (
k := let val c = !k val x = hd(!next) in (fn res => c (f x :: res)) end
; next := tl(!next)
; !k []
fun mapw f xs =
let val res = ref[]
val next = ref xs
in while not(null(!next)) do (
res := let val x = hd(!next) in f x :: (!res) end
; next := tl(!next)
; rev (!res)
datatype ('a, 'b) action = RET of 'a
| NEXT of ('b -> ('a, 'b) action) * 'b
fun continue (NEXT _) = true
| continue _ = false
fun doAction (NEXT(f, x)) = f x
fun getResult (RET x) = x
fun trampoline f x =
let val next = ref (f x)
in while continue(!next) do
next := doAction(!next)
; getResult(!next)
fun mapct f xs =
let fun next ([], k) = RET (NEXT(k, []))
| next (x::xs, k) = NEXT(next, (xs, fn res => NEXT(k, f x :: res)))
in trampoline (trampoline next) (xs, fn x => RET x)
(* Helper functions for repating and timing computations *)
fun repeat n f x =
let fun loop 0 = f x
| loop n = (f x; loop(n-1))
in loop(n-1) end
fun timerep n f = Mosml.time (repeat n f)
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