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Last active April 26, 2024 20:30
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  • Save kflorence/7f18ad97c65337ef77d37159260a331d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kflorence/7f18ad97c65337ef77d37159260a331d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates a markdown table of contents from a file tree (omitting the directory itself, "" files and "images" folders and their contents)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script generates markdown from the output of the `tree` command.
# See:
# See:
set -e
# Tree is configured with:
# - `-f`: use full paths in output (relative to directory given, in this case '.').
# - `--noreport`: exclude the directories and files report as the last line of output.
# - `-I ""`: exclude any "" files, redundant with the link to the directory containing that file.
# - `-P "*.md"`: only include Markdown files (files ending with ".md").
# - `--charset ascii`: use ASCII characters instead of unicode (makes parsing easier).
# - `--sort=name`: sort the tree structure by name, alphabetical.
# There are then a series of sed commands. These commands:
# - remove any lines ending with `/images` (excludes /images folders).
# - remove any blank lines (cleans up after the above to remove lines that only include line endings).
# - replace any backticks (`) with pipes (|) -- this makes parsing of the output easier.
# - replace " |" with "| |" -- makes the last-child prefix more consistent and easier to parse.
# - replace "| " with " " -- fixes whitespace to conform to Markdown conventions (spaces of two).
# - replace "|--" with "-" -- turns the item prefix into a hyphenated bullet point.
# At this point, the remaining lines are formatted to be ending like "- foo/bar/". The last command:
# - creates three matching groups, one for "foo/bar/", one for "foo/bar" and one for "".
# - replaces "- foo/bar/" with "- [](foo/bar/".
# - replaces "- [](foo/bar/" with "- [baz](foo/bar/"
# Finally, `tail -n +2` removes the first two lines of the output (a newline and the "." for the root directory).
markdown=$(cd "$1" && tree -f --noreport -I "" -P "*.md" --charset ascii --sort=name . |
sed \
-e 's:.*/images$::g' \
-e '/^$/d' \
-e 's/`/|/g' \
-e 's/ |/| |/g' \
-e 's/| / /g' \
-e 's/|--/-/g' \
-e 's:- \(\(.*\)/\(.*\)\):- [\3](\1):g' \
-e 's/\.md]/]/g' |
tail -n +2)
# The output is then returned with a trailing newline character.
printf "%s\n" "$markdown"
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kflorence commented Oct 26, 2021

Example output from tree -tf --noreport -I "" -P "*.md" --charset ascii .:

|-- ./conventions
|   |-- ./conventions/api
|   |   `-- ./conventions/api/
|   |-- ./conventions/application
|   |   `-- ./conventions/application/
|   |-- ./conventions/auth
|   |   `-- ./conventions/auth/
|   |-- ./conventions/git
|   |   `-- ./conventions/git/
|   |-- ./conventions/infrastructure
|   |   `-- ./conventions/infrastructure/
|   |-- ./conventions/jvm
|   |   `-- ./conventions/jvm/
|   |-- ./conventions/logback
|   `-- ./conventions/messaging
|       `-- ./conventions/messaging/
|-- ./guides
|   |-- ./guides/auth
|   |   `-- ./guides/auth/
|   |-- ./guides/github
|   |   `-- ./guides/github/workflows
|   |       |-- ./guides/github/workflows/
|   |       `-- ./guides/github/workflows/images
|   |-- ./guides/lagom
|   |   `-- ./guides/lagom/
|   |-- ./guides/migration
|   |   `-- ./guides/migration/
|   |-- ./guides/monitoring
|   |-- ./guides/scala
|   |   `-- ./guides/scala/
|   `-- ./guides/terraform
|       `-- ./guides/terraform/
`-- ./infrastructure
    |-- ./infrastructure/
    |-- ./infrastructure/
    |-- ./infrastructure/
    |-- ./infrastructure/
    |-- ./infrastructure/
    |-- ./infrastructure/
    |-- ./infrastructure/
    `-- ./infrastructure/

Example output from ./ .:

- [conventions](./conventions)
  - [api](./conventions/api)
    - [rest](./conventions/api/
  - [application](./conventions/application)
    - [usage-context](./conventions/application/
  - [auth](./conventions/auth)
    - [auth0](./conventions/auth/
  - [git](./conventions/git)
    - [workflow](./conventions/git/
  - [infrastructure](./conventions/infrastructure)
    - [terraform](./conventions/infrastructure/
  - [jvm](./conventions/jvm)
    - [packages](./conventions/jvm/
  - [logback](./conventions/logback)
  - [messaging](./conventions/messaging)
    - [kafka](./conventions/messaging/
- [guides](./guides)
  - [auth](./guides/auth)
    - [auth0](./guides/auth/
  - [github](./guides/github)
    - [workflows](./guides/github/workflows)
      - [aws-codebuild-codepipeline](./guides/github/workflows/
  - [lagom](./guides/lagom)
    - [developer-experience](./guides/lagom/
  - [migration](./guides/migration)
    - [gitlab-project](./guides/migration/
  - [monitoring](./guides/monitoring)
  - [scala](./guides/scala)
    - [upgrades](./guides/scala/
  - [terraform](./guides/terraform)
    - [module-development](./guides/terraform/
- [infrastructure](./infrastructure)
  - [artifactory](./infrastructure/
  - [grafana](./infrastructure/
  - [instana](./infrastructure/
  - [kafdrop](./infrastructure/
  - [kafka](./infrastructure/
  - [kubernetes](./infrastructure/
  - [prometheus](./infrastructure/
  - [sumologic](./infrastructure/

The command script above is portable enough to work across macOS and linux (tested with Ubuntu).

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