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Last active August 27, 2020 11:08
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Save kfox/2931690 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Cat Attack! coffeescript and node.js
# to run:
# 1. npm install -g coffee-script
# 2. npm install http-proxy
# 3. coffee
# 4. change browser proxy settings to <thishost>:8080
httpProxy = require("http-proxy")
address = process.argv[2] or ""
port = process.argv[3] or 8080
server = httpProxy.createServer((req, res, proxy) ->
isImage = false
req.headers.accept.split(",").forEach (mimetype) ->
isImage = true if mimetype.match(/^image\//)?
if isImage
res.writeHead 301,
Location: ""
buffer = httpProxy.buffer(req)
proxy.proxyRequest req, res,
port: 80
buffer: buffer
server.proxy.on "end", (req) ->
console.log "Connection to " + +
" URL: " + req.url
server.listen port, address
console.log "listening on %s:%d", address, port
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