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Last active December 21, 2015 01:08
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Save kfriend/6225050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CsvArray: Simple array wrapper class for representing CSV data, with methods for converting to CSV from an array.
class CsvArray
protected $data;
protected $delimiter;
protected $enclosure;
protected $forceEnclosement;
public function __construct($data = array(), $delimiter = ',', $enclosure = '"', $forceEnclosement = false)
// Double check for false values, just in case user passed NULL or FALSE to use default value
$this->delimiter = ($delimiter) ? $delimiter : ',';
$this->enclosure = ($enclosure) ? $enclosure : '"';
$this->forceEnclosement = (bool) $forceEnclosement;
* To CSV
* Function adapted from
* @return string CSV formatted string
public function toCsv()
$delimiter = preg_quote($this->delimiter, '/');
$enclosure = preg_quote($this->enclosure, '/');
$rows = array();
foreach ($this->data as $row)
$r = array();
foreach ($row as $field)
if ($this->forceEnclosement || preg_match("/(?:${delimiter}|${enclosure}|\s)/", $field))
$r[] = $enclosure . str_replace($enclosure, $enclosure . $enclosure, (string) $field) . $enclosure;
$r[] = (string) $field;
$rows[] = implode($delimiter, $r);
return trim(implode("\n", $rows));
protected function dataToArray($data)
if (is_object($data))
if (method_exists($data, 'toArray'))
$data = $data->toArray();
elseif (method_exists($data, 'to_array'))
$data = $data->to_array();
if (!is_array($data))
throw new Exception('Invalid data');
return $data;
public function setData($data)
$this->data = $this->dataToArray($data);
public function addRow($row)
$row = $this->dataToArray($row);
$this->data[] = $row;
public function appendRow($row)
public function prependRow($row)
$row = $this->dataToArray($row);
array_unshift($this->data, $row);
public function getData()
return $this->data;
public function toString()
return $this->toCsv();
public function toArray()
return $this->getData();
public function __toString()
return $this->toCsv();
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