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Created May 24, 2023 21:09
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Build wxWidgets by fetching from source.
CMake-Build produces reproducible builds of wxWidgets binaries.
The CMake-Build script can fetch latest or a specific hash of the
wxWidgets library source from the official github, or it can use
an existing local source directory.
It will configure it for Nuo use, build the binaries, and then
install them in-tree to your Nuo checkout.
[Parameter(HelpMessage="CMake Version string (e.g 3.2.0)")]
[String] $Version = "3.2.0",
# Or use Master
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Use master instead of a version")]
[Switch] $UseMaster,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Specify CMake generator to use.")]
[String] $Generator,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="URL for the wxWidgets git repository.")]
[String] $RepoUrl = "",
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Path to the cmake executable to use.")]
[String] $CMake,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Source hash to use.")]
[String] $SourceHash,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Force recreation of the directory.", ParameterSetName="Fresh")]
[Switch] $Fresh,
[Parameter(Mandatory, HelpMessage="Using existing directories.", ParameterSetName="Existing")]
[Switch] $Existing,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Don't re-run generate if we can avoid it.", ParameterSetName="Existing")]
[Switch] $AvoidGenerate,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Enable wx_USE_UNICODE_UTF8 or not.")]
[Switch] $UseUTF8,
[Parameter(HelpMessage="Remove source after finishing.")]
[Switch] $Clean
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if ($IsWindows -or $PSTable.Edition -eq "Desktop") {
$Platform = "win"
} elseif ($IsMacos) {
$Platform = "macintel"
} else {
throw "Only windows and mac are supported."
Function ensure_dir {
Param([String] $Path)
if (-Not (Test-Path $Path)) {
if (-Not (New-Item -Type Directory $Path)) {
Write-Error "${Path} does not exist and could creation attempt failed." -ErrorAction stop
exit 1
if (-Not "${Version}" -Match "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$") {
Write-Error "Invalid version string, expected <major>.<minor>.<patch> e.g 3.1.5" -ErrorAction stop
exit 1
# Make sure cmake is available before we start doing things.
if (-Not $cmake) {
$cmakecmd = Get-Command "cmake" -erroraction ignore
if (-Not $cmakecmd) {
if ($Platform -eq "win") {
Write-Warning "No 'cmake' command in path; run 'Enable-VSDevShell' (aka 'vsdev') to enable build tool access, or use the -cmake argument"
} else {
Write-Warning "No 'cmake' command in path; use the '-cmake' argument to specify one."
exit 1
$CMake = $cmakecmd.path
if (-Not (Test-Path $CMake)) {
throw "Specified cmake command doesn't exist: ${CMake}"
$VersionDir = Join-Path $PWD "Version_${Version}"
$WorkDir = Join-Path $VersionDir "build-in-progress"
$SourceDir = Join-Path $WorkDir "source-from-git"
$BuildDir = Join-Path $WorkDir "build" $Platform
$DstDir = Join-Path $VersionDir "build-${Platform}"
Write-Host "==== VersionDir: ${VersionDir}"
Write-Host "==== WorkingDir: ${WorkDir}"
Write-Host "==== SourceDir: ${SourceDir}"
Write-Host "==== BuildDir: ${BuildDir}"
Write-Host "==== DstDir: ${DstDir}"
ensure_dir $VersionDir
if ($Fresh -And (Test-Path $WorkDir)) {
Remove-Item -Rec -For $WorkDir
# Create the top level directories if they need to be there.
ensure_dir $WorkDir
if (-Not $Existing) {
if (Test-Path $SourceDir) {
Write-Error "${SourceDir} already exists. Remove or specify -Fresh or -existing"
exit 1
if (Test-Path $BuildDir) {
Write-Error "${BuildDir} already exists. Remove or specify -Fresh or -existing"
exit 1
## Pull the one branch with no history.
$RemoteBranch = if ($UseMaster) { "master" } else { "v${Version}" }
if (-Not (Test-Path $SourceDir)) {
Write-Host "==== Checkout ${RepoUrl} -> ${SourceDir}"
git clone $RepoUrl `
--recurse-submodules `
--single-branch `
--depth 1 `
--branch $RemoteBranch `
--quiet `
$SourceDir `
|| {
Write-Error "git clone failed"
Remove-Item -Rec -For $SourceDir
exit 1
# Force a regenerate.
if (Test-Path $BuildDir) {
Remove-Item -Rec -For $BuildDir
$GitDir = Join-Path $SourceDir .git
# Capture the source hash
if ($SourceHash) {
git --git-dir=$GitDir checkout $SourceHash
$SrcHash = git --git-dir (Join-Path $SourceDir .git) rev-parse HEAD
Write-Host "==== WxWidgets Source Hash: ${SrcHash}"
# Do we *need* to force a regenerate?
$NeedGenerate = -Not (Test-Path $BuildDir) -or -Not $AvoidGenerate -or $SourceHash
# Configure
if ($NeedGenerate) {
Write-Host "==== Configuring"
$utf8 = if ($UseUTF8) { "ON" } else { "OFF" }
& $cmake -B $BuildDir `
"$(if ("$Generator") { "${Generator}" })" `
-DwxUSE_EXPAT=builtin `
-DwxUSE_LIBJPEG=builtin `
-DwxUSE_LIBPNG=builtin `
-DwxUSE_LIBTIFF=builtin `
-DwxUSE_ZLIB=builtin `
"-DwxUSE_UNICODE_UTF8=${utf8}" `
Write-Output "-- done generating"
foreach ($release in "Debug", "RelWithDebInfo") {
Write-Host "==== Building ${release}"
& $cmake --build $BuildDir --config $release $(if (-Not $AvoidGenerate) { "--clean-first" }) -j9
$BinaryRoot = Join-Path $BuildDir lib
if (-Not (Test-Path $BinaryRoot)) {
Write-Error "${Release}: Binary Root ${BinaryRoot} does not exist."
exit 1
# Copy include files.
$IncludesSrc = Join-Path $SourceDir "include"
$IncludesDst = Join-Path $VersionDir "include"
Write-Host "==== Copying headers ${IncludesSrc} -> ${IncludesDst}"
Copy-Item ${IncludesSrc} -Destination $VersionDir -Recurse -Force
# Copy binary files.
$LibSrc = $BinaryRoot
$LibDst = Join-Path $DstDir lib
$LibExt = if ($IsWindows) { "lib" } else { "a" }
ensure_dir $LibDst
Write-Host "==== Copying library files ${LibSrc} *.$LibExt -> ${LibDst}"
Copy-Item (Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $BinaryRoot *.$LibExt) $LibDst
$WxDst = Join-Path $DstDir wx
ensure_dir $WxDst
$WxSrc = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $LibSrc setup.h | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Host "==== Copying setup.h ${WxSrc} -> ${WxDst}"
Copy-Item $WxSrc $WxDst -Force
Write-Output >(Join-Path $DstDir "source-hash.txt") "${SrcHash}"
Write-Output >(Join-Path $VersionDir "source-hash.${platform}.txt") "${SrcHash}"
if ($Clean) {
Write-Host "==== Removing ${WorkDir}"
Remove-Item -Rec -For $WorkDir
Write-Output "==== Finished building ${DstDir} from ${SrcHash}"
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